- homemade american cheese
- kombucha
- homemade Italian dressing
- chicken bouillon
- freezer strawberry jam
- baking powder -aluminum free
- taco seasoning
- ranch mix
- canned chili beans
- cream soups
- bacon bits
- bulgar burger
- pizza sauce
- freezing rhubarb
- making yogurt
- freezing tomatoes
- foods I will never have to buy again
- freezing applesauce
- freezer raspberry rhubarb jam
- homemade french dressing
- preserving cabbage
- freezing eggs
- Eating out of the pantry
- homemade peanut butter
- abundance of tortillas
- abundance of grapes
- dried coconut chips
- hot cocoa mix
- fermented ginger carrots
18 responses to “Preserving food/staples”