9th Grade FREE Schooling

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day!  Okay, I am finally finished!  I know what we are going to do for our 9th grade high school year.

Not everyone will agree on the approach I am taking but in our state we have to graduate or show a high school graduation equivalent.  What our family is going to do is to prepare our children to take the GED.  I am not for having my child take a year of Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, etc because they will NEVER use it.  Now, if I have a student that wants to pursue a career in one of those areas, I will gladly teach those subjects, I am knowledgeable in them, but for the majority of students, they won’t need that so we will just do intro’s to those subjects.

For our 9th grade child, we are going to do a big year of review on the basics in math and grammar.  We will also be taking a foreign language course through a program that is local and we will be doing US History.  I have a history course on here, but I will be fixing it up a bit over the next week, just waiting on a few more books:)  We really enjoy doing the video/book method for teaching history, so I am just going through and getting a few more ideas in that avenue.  Watch for that!

At this time, I won’t have the 9th grade in book form because I only  have two courses and I feel that is not enough to do a whole book. I may combine it with some other things but I haven’t decided quite yet what to do.  I wanted to post it so that if there is a  momma out there that needs some resources, I would have them.

You can click here for the 9th grade math.  It will review a lot of basic principles that are covered in the GED.  I also will have answers here for those that need them.

I have a 9th grade grammar/writing course here.

I did not do answers yet,please be patient if you see something big…I will work on making it perfect, it just takes time:) I will be using this course this year and if I find any typos, etc, I will be fixing them.   It covers a lot of writing and such so I think that for the most part it will be pretty self explanatory as it is just a big review.

If you have a high school student and are not sure what to do, I would suggest using the above resources and go to your library and check out books on GED test taking  there are TONS!  You can see that most cover the same sort of principles that I cover in our books.  A lot of it, is reading comprehension and writing.  We will be doing that this year as well.  With our history there will be lots of reading and then answering questions and/or discussing them.  I feel confident with the above and then the additional resources that I will be posting that it will be sufficient for our 9th grade year.

I hope you enjoy and can use them. Have a blessed day!


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