Monthly Archives: July 2014

simple living lifestyle challenge 45 learn calmness

simple living

The challenge: to learn calmness in ALL situations in life

Remaining positive no matter what life throws at you, is hard.  How many times per day are we “attacked” by negative people?  What about negative situations or ones that bring about stress or frustration?  What about with relationships of close people that bring drama and upset to your life ?  We ALL have experienced this, no one is exempt from it.  But what if we could respond to any of these situations with a state of peace and not anger? Where we could walk away from it and not “stew” over the anger inside?  Imagine couples that do not stay angry for days on end.  Families who don’t grow bitter towards one another.  Sometimes sounds to unreal.  But in reality this is feasible with the right approach.

Why make the change:

I think we all know or should know the effects of negative stress in our life.  High stress levels lead to heart disease, depression,  and obesity.  Focusing on the negative thing in our life will only lead us further into a life of despair.  We need to focus on the positive things in our lives.  We also  need to realize that life happens.  Bad things happen.  People are generally unhappy, angry individuals and sometimes you are going to get caught in the cross roads.  Your best bet is to learn to be calm.  Choose to be positive and calm when faced with a negative in life.


How to make the change:

How do we go about making the change to calmness in ANY and ALL situations in life?

  • Learn to pray.  If we can learn to give away our worries and frustrations to God, that can be the first step to bringing  peace of mind and a better perspective to having calmness in life.
  • Learn to detach.  When faced with a negative situation where your first response is anger, detach yourself.  Think about the situation as a whole, instead of just your tiny part that is affecting you.    You look at all of the different facets of the problem and view them as an observer without judgement.
  • Take a breather.  If you find yourself getting angry or emotionally upset over an issue, take a step back and take a few breaths.  Sometimes that will mean you have to tell a person, that you need a minute and will be right back.  Get yourself together and come back ready to respond in a positive light.  If it is an email or text, let it sit, take a few moments to breathe and then respond.
  • Let things roll off of you.  Realize that people who are angry and rude have bad days.  Their problems do not have to be yours.  If someone is mean, you don’t have to be mean back.  Sometimes the best response is a smile.  The bible talks about “reaping coals of fire” on our enemies.  If we don’t respond negatively to people, but do so in a positive light, it is like reaping coals of fire on someone’s head.
  • Get some understanding.  If someone says something mean to you, instead of taking it personally, understand that you are not the center of this person’s world, you just happen to be the target of their frustration.  They could be having a bad day, having marital problems, frustrated in their own walk with God, or maybe even not understanding the issue very well.

People ALWAYS have a reason for anger and rudeness.  If you can understand what is the core of that, it is much easier to deal with.  Be the better person and experience calmness when faced with any situation in your life.

simple living lifestyle challenge 44 edit your commitments

simple living

The challenge: to edit your commitments

Could you imagine if we were able to “edit our lives?”  All the things that we would just be able to erase out of them—all the negative people, all of the meaningless time spent doing absolutely nothing, all of those commitments that we signed up for, but are quickly taking over our life by imposing on our time spent with family and those we love.  Taking back all of those things that were once so important to us but have simply just become obsolete in our lives.  Sounds like it would be something worth doing?


Why make the change:

Each and every time you make a commitment in your life, it leaves less and less room for doing those things which are important to you.  You need to take inventory of all of your commitments and start edited them.

The reason people don’t cut or “edit their commitments” is because it leads to feelings of guilt.  How are they going to look to friends, co-workers, the church staff,or the school PTA if they decide to “cut” that commitment?  How are others going to count on you and who will they turn to, to do that job?

Trust me, there will ALWAYS be another person willing to fill in the gaps.

First thing you need to do,is not feel guilty.  You need to realize what a HUGE relief NOT having to do that commitment each day or week or month is going to do for you.  It WILL free up much of your time,  even though others may be disappointed, you can’t go through life pleasing EVERYONE else according to their plan, you have to do what works for you and your family.

If you committed to what everyone else wanted ALL of the time, you would never have any time left for ourselves.  Not much of a life to lead.


How to make the change:

First start with making a list.  Make a list of ALL of the commitments that you have in your life.  Here are some areas to consider:

  • Work, you have many commitments at your employment, list all of them.
  • Home, aside from family/children commitments you also have commitments at home to take care of.
  • Family, you may be the role of mother, wife, daughter, aunt, etc these all come with many commitments.
  • Children, your children may have many activities that they are committed to, list them.
  • Home business, you may have a small business at home, list commitments to that.
  • Religious/Civic, you may volunteer for different organizations, or be part of church teachings or attending church activities, commitments
  • Hobbies–you might have groups for hobbies, like book clubs, fishing groups, etc, these all come with commitments.
  • Online, you may have commitments to meet online, list those.

Now that you have your “list,” take a close look at each thing on it.  Now I want you to consider the following:

  • Does this give value to my life or my families life?
  • How important is this to me?
  • Does this line up with my priorities and values?
  • How is my life affected if I drop out?
  • Does this further the goals I have in life?

Some of these are going to be tough questions to answer, but I hope that if you can eliminate the ones that give you the least amount of return on your invested time and effort, you will be better for it.  If there are any that do not line up with your life goals and priorities, cut them out.

If you are afraid of cutting out things, then I suggest that you do them for a few weeks.  Cut it out, see how your life is without them.  Is it something that you miss?  Something that you are glad to be done with?  Something that you don’t even think about?  This isn’t a for-ever list, you can drop things and add them back as needed.

I guarantee that your family life, your relationship with your husband/wife will be much better when you can learn to say NO to commitments and start enjoying life together as one.


How I home schooled my 3 elementary children for $10 each!!


This year was my year to take the time to scope out the internet for all of it’s FREE resources for schooling your child.

Last year we did some  as well as my own online kindergarten classes, but my children wanted more.  They WANTED to do worksheets and papers and I didn’t want to have to take turns using the laptop between 3 children.  Thus it put me on a path of printing off all of their schooling for the year and ensuring that they would be busy with some sort of paperwork each day.

Here I start with my kindergarten and first grader—we have 1 that is more of an end of the year kindergarten and one that is about first or second grade.  I don’t like labeling grade levels but I have to have a general guideline.

Here is what we did for


This is a hard one, as there are many individual lessons available online, but it is hard to find a complete FREE printable resource online.  I actually found one for the UK and think it will fit us fine. Click here for it.  The only flaw is that some of the problems use pounds instead of dollars and metric instead of standard.  But I am ready to change that when we come to those pages.

I used the level “1” for kindergarten and the level “2” for first grade.

I printed out all of the pages and found that they need to complete 1 page per day to finish in a 180 day school year.



I made writing journals for my children  and you can view those here.

They are to do 1 page per day.

Spelling/ Reading Comprehension

Found this great FREE printable resources here at K12reader.

Look on the left hand sidebar for the different grade levels of spelling.

I will have them do:

Monday–copy the spelling words

Tuesday do the corresponding reading comprehension page—available on the site for FREE

Wednesday I will dictate the words in a sentence–that they provide

Thursday will give them a final test and have them copy words they missed


Scott Foresman had these workbooks for FREE to download.  They are complete Grammar books.

Here is the link to the site.

I am having them do 1 page per day.


I will have each girl pick out some books from the library and read for about 1/2 hour each day.  They are doing better and can do simple reading on their own.  Makes it easier.

Thinking Skills/Lapbooks

For my next part it is more of a mix of different resources that I found online.  I wanted some busy work to keep them occupied plus learn some things.  I basically did searches online for different free printables.  I won’t include them all because they are all scattered but you can get the idea of what I searched for.

Here is the schedule I made to help me keep track of what I am to do.  I filed all of their work in the order that we will be doing it.

Download (PDF, 69KB)

To help explain what I we will be doing–I have us reading a devotional story of some sort each day and we will be doing the following:

Leading little ones to God—finishing up from last year

Prudence and the Millers–along with the accompaniment workbook pages

Wisdom and the Millers

School Days and the Millers

A Hive of Busy Bees

They will then do 2-3 pages of miscellaneous stuff I found online, here is some of it:

critical thinking worksheets

all about me FREE lapbook

lots of free worksheets here–various topics

These next ones are from—you have to create an account–its FREE then it will allow you to download, worth your time they have many free resources.

jelly bean math

presidents day

poetry collection

fall math freebie

winter freebie

veterens day free

money booklets

money flip book

butterfly color page

lots of free worksheets here

I also have them making stepbooks at various times throughout the year.  I purchased these from Oriental Trading years ago and just did nothing with them–included in my schedule.

I know there are many more FREE resources, I just didn’t document all of them, I suggest sitting by your printer and just searching one night for different free worksheets and then printing.  Cover a variety of topics.


This was the last resource I came across and it helped fill my day perfectly.  This link to these FREE lapbooks is numerous.

I decided to do Little House on the Prairie series with my 2 girls. I chose to read 1 chapter per day.  That way when life gets crazy—because you know it will–it won’t be too overwhelming.  After we read each chapter, there will be a lapbook page for my daughters to complete.  Thought it would be fun to do.  Plus we get to read these books aloud.  I will be doing the following:

Little House in the Big Woods

Little House in the Prairie

On the banks of Plum Creek

Little Town on the Prairie

The Long Winter


For my 4th /5th grader I did similar things:


I did the same math from the UK as I did for my 2 younger ones, I will adjust pages according to needs.  Click here  and choose level that is appropriate for your child.

We will be doing 1 page per day.

Math Drills

I loved xtramath last year as my child was able to do math facts and I got an email each week letting me know how they were doing.  It is FREE and is a resource we will be using.

This takes about 7 minutes per day.

Spelling/Read Comprehension

I used the same K12 reader for my older elementary child.  Choose appropriate level, and then get the corresponding reading comprehension papers.

Each day will be done this way:

Monday–copy spelling words

Tuesday–read comprehension page

Wednesday–dictation with spelling words–provided on site



I made my own writing journal for boys. You can click  here to see what I did.

They are required to complete 2 pages each day. One for penmanship and one for journaling.


Scott Foresman offers a complete FREE download book that you can print off.  Click here for the different levels.

One page per day

Critical Thinking

I did a search for this one as I did the girls.  I found numerous pages, puzzles, games, etc.  Just sit down and print a bunch off.  You need 180—1 for each day.

Here is a start for a free 81 page book 


My son really enjoyed doing lapbooks last year and is looking forward to them this year.  I found this great site that lists them FREE.   Check it out.

I just went through the list and asked my son which ones he would want to do.  I figured out roughly how many pages were to be completed and figured 2 per day was sufficient.  We then printed off enough to do for the entire year.

Some he chose were:






Christmas around the world


I will also be having him read a book for 1/2 hour each day.

I did multiple searches for great pre teen boy books.  Pioneer Women had a good listing of some of them.  I have my list and will just order them and let him find which ones are interesting.

Download (PDF, 40KB)


I am finished!!!!  This was my total cost for all of this:  includes 4 packages of printer paper–$10, 2 ink cartridges–$10 and 3 journals–$10.  If you divide that out, it is $10 per person.

Definitely took me some time, but that time saved our family hundreds of dollars on curriculum.

Do you have any FREE resources to share??

Foods I will never have to buy again

Okay, I will admit, I sometimes get lazy.  I get lazy when it comes to shopping.  It sometimes seems easier to just buy cans of beans or to buy pizza sauce already made. Plus the fact that I love when my pantry is full or at least looks like it is full.

0024 150x150 Large family organization tips the pantry stocking for emergencies part 11

But the reality is that my “full” pantry was just a bunch of cans and boxes of store bought items.  Not much of it was homemade and good for my family.

For many years, when I had lots of little ones, building my pantry with wholesome, homemade, not filled with preservatives or additives foods, was not something I was able to do.  But now, it is something I MAKE time to do, because I can.  Plus we have the resources, it helps to have a large freezer to freeze things in, otherwise I would have to can them.

One of my goals this summer was to cut down on our grocery bill by making items that I could and usually do buy.  I also wanted to improve the nourishment that I was feeding to my children.  I had to start somewhere.

I started the summer by making our own popsicles and frozen treats.  Were they all totally healthy???  No, some were not, but it sure made our needs to go to our local ice cream shop disappear.


It was also nice when we had guests over this summer to be able to share a frozen snack.  At the beginning of summer we made enough to last us 2 months worth, well worth my time.  Plus with a family of 12 it saved a bundle in frozen treats this summer!!

You can click here to see all that we made.


I have been saving my Parmesan cheese containers and have been wanting to fill them with some staples that I buy at the store.

I purchased all of my spices at a Bulk Food store rather inexpensively.  Don’t buy them from Walmart they will cost much.  Look at buying them online in bulk, to save a bunch.

Here I made my own Taco Seasoning—which my family loves because it is super spicy–don’t worry you can tone it down.

I made this 2 months ago and have not bought another packet of taco seasoning.  Click here for my recipe.

Ok my other HUGE weakness when it came to preparing food was chicken bouillon.  I added chicken bouillon to everything to make it taste better.  Put some in my macaroni and cheese, added it to black beans and rice, I am afraid to even look through all my recipes because they all probably say to add 1-2 Tablespoons of chicken bouillon!!!  It just makes it taste better.  Well I know that the stuff I was buying was loaded with salt, and many additives, it was one of the first things to go.  I made a batch of this up and I honestly LOVE it!!!  I sprinkle it on everything and don’t feel guilty at all!!  The cost is relatively about the same as the chicken bouillon base I was buying, but you are getting a much better healthy alternative.

Try this, you won’t go back to the other additive loaded stuff!!!

Ok next we made our own baking powder WITHOUT aluminum.  I know everything is bad for us in some sort of way.  Aluminum is something I would like to avoid feeding to my children.  And  if I know that there is an easier alternative I will try it.  We have been using this and it works great.

I also have replaced our iodized salt with sea salts. The internet is full of information of why you should switch.  Decide for yourself.

I have also been busy this week cooking dry beans and then freezing them for later use.

These are the kinds that we use in our family:

black beans–for Haitian rice and beans

garbanzo beans–for hummus

pinto beans–for taco soup and chili

kidney beans–for red beans and rice

northern beans—for baked beans

red beans–made into chili beans–for lots of recipes

pinto beans pureed into refried beans


How I cooked them  was in my big roaster oven and crockpot.  I would pour bags of beans into the oven and crockpot and cover with water.  I made sure that the beans could double in size and still have plenty of water.  I turned them on high to boil and then down to a simmer and let them run.  I would test the beans every few hours until they were done.  Very simple to do and when finished, I scooped them out and put them into plastic containers and froze them.

This saves a bunch of money on canned beans.  Plus it helps me to be prepared for my days otherwise I have frozen beans when I need to make a meal.



I also buy lots of tomato products.  I will buy tomato juice, tomato paste, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce, and diced tomatoes, pureed tomatoes, salsa, tomatoes and green chills.  I know pathetic right????

Well I decided to just buy a large can of tomato paste.  I can get the super size 10 pound can for about $4.  With this I separate the can into smaller pint sized plastic containers and freeze.  If I need to make tomato soup and need tomato juice, I just get out my tomato paste and add water to it. I do the same thing if a recipe calls for tomato sauce, just add less water.

This week, I have been busy making my own pizza sauce and then freezing it.

IMG_20140605_103105This is so simple to make, I don’t know why I was WASTING the money buying jarred sauce.  Here is the recipe that we use.  It has sauce and paste in this recipe, but I have just been using paste and adding enough water to a consistency that is suitable for my family.

We like to have our pizza buffet nights and this recipe goes great with that.

I also get canning tomatoes and puree them.  I use them in our spaghetti sauce and sausage red beans and rice recipe.

Did I mention my weakness of chicken bouillon?? Well my children’s weakness is ranch dressing!!!download (1)


They could put ranch on everything.  We have to limit this much.  I know the dressing is not good for them when after the little ones eat it, they are messier and it leaves a red rash on their face.  I started buying the ranch packets and mixing it with sour cream, thinking I was being a “better Mom” by making it “homemade.”  Silly lady, well I decided to just make a mix of it and then  make it as we need it.  It is much harder to use it, if it is not readily available in the refrigerator:)


Here are some other ideas that I am going to make this month as I rid my pantry of foods that I can make from scratch:

cream soups–I use this when I make Salisbury steak

pita bread–every month we goto the bread store, I grab all the packages of pita bread.  This is great for quick sandwiches, pizzas, or cut up to eat with hummus.  But I know that I can make it and am excited to do so.

homemade salsa–click here for an easy version to make anytime of year.  We decided to do away with jarred salsa, and as soon as we are out this month, will be making this one.

We are going back to making yogurt each month again.  I make it with powdered milk—cheaper and we like to make it into a smoothie drink.  I can make enough for 2-3 weeks at one time.


These are some items that we are going to eliminate from our food rotation, starting this month.  Will we bring any back?? Maybe,but for now, I am going to see what we can use as a “better” alternative.  Will keep you posted over this month.

canned vegetables—replacing them with fresh produce—I realized my little ones do like salad when offered.

white saltine crackers—my go-to when I am rushed–crackers and peanut butter—no more, we will replace with some other snacks—will keep you posted–I am thinking of making my own again like I have done in the past.

garbage bag snack mix-—oh my children love this, I do too!!!  But I am refusing to make this at least for a few months to see how we can do without another one of our favorite snacks.

No more canola or vegetable oil—-I would get lax and buy it for making boxed brownies or cupcakes for birthdays —meanwhile it takes only a few moments to melt my coconut oil that I have when I make my breads.  Just need to take the time, after doing some reading on how they make that stuff—yikes!!! Not good at all–something about Drano?!?!?

No more margarines– only butter.  I would buy it for making cookies and things—well than if you have a little bit in the refrigerator it will get used for other things as well, this goes along the lines of the bad rap for canola/vegetable oils and drano?!?!?  Need to avoid, even if it means more money.

No more weekly chips and pop.  My husband and I enjoy a favorite snack on the weekend—well everyone does but this is mainly for us.  He would get Doritoes and I would get those wonderful Kettle cooked salt and pepper chips—oh so good and I can eat an entire bag!!!! So bad.  We are skipping out on that and going with fresh fruit and vegetables.  We said if we were craving and needed something salty, we would go back to our favorite of winter time—air popped popcorn.  Super inexpensive–I still have 25 lbs in my basement.  Why am I wasting?!?!?!?

bacon bits—some might think this is weird, but we buy many of these and used them in breakfast burritos, or just to top our eggs off in small portions.  But the reality of it, is that this stuff is NOT good.  My alternative—-I bought turkey bacon and will be baking it in the oven and then food processing it and putting it into small containers to freeze for use.

We will also be buying less ground chuck each month and making Bulgar burger–something I will post on soon.  I did it before, I must do it again!

Okay, did I write a novel or what?!?!!?   I promise not to be away so long, I feel like I have to get it all in.  If I have more that we are replacing, I will be sure to write about it this month.

Do you have any store bought foods that you have replaced with your own homemade ingredients??





I am back!!!!!!! with a large family celebration


Sorry for the quick departure without any reason why….I have taken these past two weeks and have been busy preparing my children’s schooling for the entire year.  I have scoured the internet looking for FREE resources so that I didn’t have to spend anything on education:)  If it is out there, and you have the time, I think its wise to use it.   Look for it later this week.

On to the fun that we had……………………………….


I also took the time to plan our 4th of July party.  Our daughter, Jadyn has her birthday at that time and this year we decided to have a big party to help celebrate with friends and family.  Jadyn is in the pink star shirt, she  turned “9” this year.  Her good friend on the right, Jediah also turned  ” 9″ a day after Jadyn.  They have celebrated their birthdays together ever since they were “1.”IMG_20140705_211303We had much planning and making to do, to get ready for this party.  I made a list of all that we had to get done and then broke it down daily over a week and a half that we had to get ready for the party.  That way things weren’t overwhelming and it made for an enjoyable time.  Plus it was “fun” doing it.


The only bad thing that I did wrong was to not take pictures of all of our creating.  I wasn’t really thinking at the time, I was just trying to get it all done.  I will make do with the pictures I took and then include links to other sites of ideas that we did as well.

For our inexpensive decorations we decided to make poms.  I did them for my daughters 16th birthday party and they were super easy to make.


I think we made 9 total and used the colors red, white, and blue.  We bought the tissue paper at Hobby Lobby and they were less than $1 a package.

We also had an abundance of hoops that we acquired  so we decided to make streamer hoops.  It cost me the price of streamers $3 and we made 10 of these to hang around the yard.  We used fishing line to hang everything.

Need something for the kiddos to do this 4th of July? Let them make streamers to help decorate!

Click here from spoonful for directions 

We also made this American Flag out of a FREE wood pallet and some spray paint. Found it here on Pinterest.  We put ours at the road as a marker for guests to arrive.

Our tables we covered in red table paper–which we picked up at a Garage Sale a few years ago for 25 cents.  We also made people cut outs for a school project from this same roll.

I received a flyer in the mail for Gordon Food Service and they had heavy duty plastic colored plates and cups for $2.99 for 50.  I was able to get red and blue for our table wear.  They also had silverware and napkins inexpensively also.  I had never shopped at that store, I will definitely be going again.

4th of July Luminaries

click here for instructions

Another inexpensive decoration that we decided to do was one I found off pinterest.  These votive candle holders were perfect.  We have an abundance of canning jars and we picked up 3 bottles of acrylic paint which cost under $3.  My girls had fun designing and painting them.  They did stripes, polka dots, and flags.

We placed them on the window sill in front of the house and along the tables for night time.  They added a nice glow when the sun was down.

We also hung Christmas lights outside around our hammock and sitting area.  This was one of the best things we did, because as soon as it was dark, out here in the country, its dark.  This enabled us to be able to sit and swing on the hammock and sit around and enjoy talking late into the night.


For our games, my daughter was set on wanting to make a pinata.  Last year we made one, as you can see here and it went quite well.  Was messy and took some time, but it turned out.  Well this year, when I went to make my pinata I only had one girl with me and I had little ones to watch.  We started making them and of course everyone wanted to help, well it turned into quite a mess.  They started making hand prints across the tables—which just an FYI, flour and water will stain the table tops and will take a few extra hard scrubbings to come off.  I hurriedly made my first layer, let it set to dry and went about scrubbing off the paste from my picnic tables.  Well during that time, our balloons popped.  Too much weight on them.  We had made 3.  Another one, a child got a hold of and dropped it, popped.  The other one was being examined and dropped, then popped.  I gave up.  Said not a big deal we don’t need to do them.

Then while doing our birthday party shopping with my daughters Jadyn on left, Brooklyn on right we were looking at pinatas in the store.  I felt the box and it felt to me like posterboard.  So I get the great idea of, “I can make this.”



We decided to make a present box pinata.  We cut four rectangles and made a box.  We folded the sides to create a bottom.  Taped it with packing tape all around it, a million times.  Then my daughter decided to cut strips of tissue paper and put them on the box.


Here she was, late into the night stuffing toys and candy into the box. IMG_20140703_222402 We filled it with:

  • fruit snacks
  • Smarties
  • Dum Dum suckers
  • party poppers
  • necklaces
  • slap hands
  • party blowers
  • mini bubbles
  • glow necklaces

After reading on the internet, we found that they recommended alternating bunches of tissue paper and candy/toys.  To help balance out the box.  Definitely worth doing.  We made a pom for the top bow.  We just used multiply pieces of colored tissue paper and folded the pom in half.


Now after you make the pinata, I didn’t think of how to hang it?!?!?!?  Thankfully my wonderful husband, Mr Visionary can figure that stuff out.  We went to Menards and bought some eye bolts and washers and screwed them into the top of the pinata.  We hung it up with hemp twine and let them give it a whack!!



We didn’t want it to be too easy, since we were dealing with an “older” crowd, so we blindfolded and gave each child one swing.  IMG_20140705_202644

After it came down, it was a mad dash to get all the goodies.  I think having packing tape on it, helped keep the box together.

It was all in good fun, no one was injured. Everyone shared their goodies with all the children to make sure everybody had something.


Lauren, is our daughter in the pink with friends.



It was a perfect day, the children enjoyed swimming.  Here is Jadyn in the blue ring.IMG_20140705_192004

Here are my two oldest daughters, enjoying some relaxing time.IMG_20140705_201920

Then it was time for another game:)  We did a water balloon toss.  Well, whenever you have a large group of people, especially teenagers, and water balloons it usually will result in a water balloon fight.  They tossed it for a few minutes and then they attacked the cooler full of water balloons and had fun smashing them on each other.
IMG_20140705_204705Then it was time for Dad to get out his pride and joy—–his homemade potato gun!!!  This is much fun to shoot. He made it out of PVC pipes.

He made sure to let everyone, who wanted a turn, have one.  It was great seeing the younger children, realize that ,”Wow, I can shoot this.”  Was a fun time.  Thankfully no neighbors across the street from us:)  Guy on the right is my son, Collin.


Then the last activity that we do every year is an obstacle course.  Now usually it involves just our family.  I can tell you that being 9 months pregnant and trying to do an obstacle course is not much fun.  I was glad to just be a spectator in this event:)  We just had them pick partners and they did the course against each other.  No winners or losers, everything done today was in great fun.


For the first part of the course, you had to ride the razor 360 down the hill.  It doesn’t matter that these bikes are made for about a 10 year old, not a 16 year old.  Fun watching the older ones try and pedal down the hill.


Next you had to take a water balloon and smash it on the ground.  We had pre painted a large target on the ground for them to hit.  Here Lauren was tossing her balloon to Austin.  I believe she was supposed to be hitting the target?!?!!?!?


Next you had to make a cup tower out of stacking cups and then put them down again.  Then crawl under the table.  It didn’t matter if you were 3 feet or over 6 feet, it had to be done:)



The next event was to take the water from the bucket and transfer it to the cup opposite your chair.  You had to use only the sponge and it had to go past the marked line on the cup.IMG_20140705_204228

We then made some cute bean bags out of jean pockets.  We took and cut around the pockets, filled with rice and then sewed shut.  IMG_20140705_204328
We painted some pie plate tins with different red, white, and blue designs and the children had to try and make it into at least one tin.

Right before the finish line, we put the kiddie plastic slide.  It is hilarious watching a grown child try and slide down it—I remember trying to do it 9 months pregnant:)  fun, fun, fun.

IMG_20140705_205039Then they ran through the finish line.  Good times.

For our food, which I cannot believe I did not take a picture of!!!!  It was a busy time:)  Here is what we had:

Then when the sun was beginning to go away we started out with firecrackers and sparklers.


With so many children it made for a smoky area.  We had bought some candles for them to light their sparklers onto.  It made things much easier then lighting with a lighter.DSCN6188We all lined up waiting for the big event.  It was the first year that I was able to stay outside the entire time.  Most years, I have a little one that does not do well with the noise.  But everyone enjoyed it.  It is the little milestones that makes having so many little ones much easier.

Most of the teenage boys helped light the fireworks, it was a beautiful show.  Daddy really likes to go all out for them.  Here is a video of our grand finale.

Thank you for understanding why I wasn’t here. I am excited to be able to share all of the FREE goodies that I found for school later this week, stay tuned.