Category Archives: In my kitchen

recipes, tips,and knowledge gleaned over years of preparing thousands of meals

large family food ideas….desserts…. apple pie

Large family food ideas desserts apple pie….

I have found that with having a large family most everything that we do is different than the average family.  That includes dessert making.  I used to love making pies for our family but by the time I had made enough for our large family I would have 3 pies stacked one on top of the other in the refrigerator and usually that would result in someone accidentally knocking over the pies and making a mess in an already overcrowded refrigerator.

There had to be another way ……

I came up with making our pies in a jelly roll pan.  It was easier to make one large crust instead of individual round ones, and cutting and serving was way more convenient.

I use the same ingredients that I would for my traditional  pies but with an extra ingredient added to the crust to give it a little more structure.

Large family apple pie squares

  • 5 cups flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 cup cold butter
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 8 Tbsp milk
  • 2 cup crushed cornflakes
  • 9 cups chopped, peeled apples.  I used my quart sized bags of frozen peeled and chopped apples–2 quart sized bags
  • 2 cups sugar
  • sugar, cinnamon for topping



  • 1 cup confectioners sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1-2 T milk

or you can just use your egg white leftover gently whipped and brushed on and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon for the topping, we just prefer the glaze.


How I go about making my crust, I split the amount of dough ingredients I need in half and do them separately in the food processor.

Place 2 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, and 1 cup cold butter into your food processor.


Pulse for a few times to create large crumbs out of your dough.Image00002

In a measuring cup, combine egg yolk and enough milk to measure 1/3 cup.Image00004

Pour over your flour mixture.Image00005


Turn on your food processor on the “dough” setting and let the machine do the work.  You can also do this by hand, mixing and kneading the dough, that is what I used to do before I realized how easy it was in the food processor.Image00006

When your dough is completely mixed and formed into a dough-like ball, you can roll it out into your pan.  I use a 16×12 inch jelly roll style.  If you have smaller or larger just make the crust either thinner or thicker.Image00007

After you have rolled out your dough.  Place your cornflakes into your food processor.

Crush them into fine pieces.Image00009

Sprinkle them over your crustImage00010

In a mixing bowl, place your apples.  I have diced and froze ours in quart sized bags.  I use 2 bags for this recipe.Image00011 Add your sugar.  I normally would have used raw sugar, but the store I purchase it from was out, so I was “forced” to use white sugar.Image00012

Add your cinnamon and nutmegImage00014

Mix gently, coating your apples evenlyImage00015

Sprinkle your apples evenly over the crustImage00016


Now you are going to make your top layer crust.  Repeat the steps you just did to make your bottom crust.

Place 2 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, and 1 cup cold butter into your food processor.


Pulse for a few times to create large crumbs out of your dough.Image00002

In a measuring cup, combine egg yolk and enough milk to measure 1/3 cup.Image00004

Pour over your flour mixture.



Turn on your food processor on the “dough” setting and let the machine do the work.  You can also do this by hand, mixing and kneading the dough, that is what I used to do before I realized how easy it was in the food processor.



What I did to make this job easy, was to lightly flour the bottom of a cookie sheet–the same size as my jelly roll pan and I rolled out the top crust onto that.  I then put the crust over top of the apples in a flip style method.  Just turn your pan over and gently tap and scrape a few sides until it falls off. It may not be perfect in some spots, but I cover that area with enough glaze that you won’t see it:)Image00017

Place it in a 350 oven for 45-50 minutes until golden brown.

If you prefer to have your crust like “traditional apple pie”  you can beat your egg whites that were leftover and then carefully brush this over your crust.  Sprinkle with a cinnamon sugar mixture.

Or you can do what we do…..

Mix up your glaze.Image00026

After your apple pie squares comes out of the oven, let it sit for about 10 minutes and then drizzle over warm pastry.

Image00027Cut into squares and serve.

large family organization tips series part 8 the master bedroom

In part 8 of our series, large family organization tips, we are going to look at the master bedroom.


As with all of our rooms in our household they are found to have the minimalist amount of things inside it to avoid the “cluttered”  look.

I think with most families, the master bedroom is the “catch all” for miscellaneous items.  Not here.  Our room is made with a simple layout.  We have a bed, made from pallets.  Yes, you read that correctly, you can click here to view how we made them.  The only other item in our room is a hope chest with a tv on it.

Some things in my hope chest;

  • all our family memories–photos and videos
  • my wedding dress, that I hope to fit into this anniversary
  • wedding videos
  • scrapbooks–when I had time to do those
  • journals of the kids–I keep one that I write in at least 2 times a year for each child until they move out of the home
  • flower petals I am saving for the girls—Daddy buys them roses for special days and I keep them dried for when they have their wedding day,they can throw the petals in the aisle
  • some favorite things like blankets, first outfits, and special toys

diy wood pallet bed

This year I finally took the time to decorate our walls with photos of the family.  I had our family business make this sign “All because two people fell in love…” and then I printed off various pictures of the children and placed them around that plaque.  I love laying in bed and seeing my beautiful child’s’ faces.



Our closet is located in our master bathroom, which is convenient.  We don’t do dressers so everything is hung up.  I had my husband make me a jean holder for his jeans.  He took a 2 inch wide board and placed 10 screws in it like a coat rack.  I hang all his jeans by the loops on that rack.

It makes me not have to fold all of his jeans for work and easier for him to be able to see what jeans he is grabbing out.    I then put our undergarments in plastic drawers like I do in the lower half’s family closet.  I fold most of my skirts and set them on top of my drawers.


As with my children, I don’t keep a packed closet.  I go through my husbands’ and my clothing every season to evaluate the clothing that is stained, too small, or too big in some cases:)  For myself during my weight loss I have gone through numerous dress sizes.  I kept a pile of skirts that I would strive to fit into in a pile on my shelves.  As my weight came off and skirts became too big, I would put away the nicer ones that I wanted to keep in a bin in our basement, gave away some, and threw others out for rags. I would then replace my shelf with a new set of smaller skirts.   As soon as my top size went down, I gave away or threw out tops that were too big.  No sense looking frumpy for my husband.  If I get pregnant again and need larger tops, I do have a stash of pregnancy clothing in the basement.

I make sure and go through undergarments as well.  This is getting personal, but I feel that as a wife we should still try and be pleasing to our husbands and that means going through worn out or ripped undergarments and replacing them with nicer ones.  I teach my daughter, keep your older undergarments for your time of the month and then get a new set to wear for everyday.  That way they won’t get ruined.  Okay enough about that.

As for what clothing to wear.  I do a lot of bending during the day. Whether it be to tie someones shoes, pick up a pacifier, or to pick up a child.  When shopping for my clothing I need to keep that in mind.  I know that there are some things that just won’t work for a busy mother of little ones.

  • wide neck tops are out–just have a child start pulling on your top and you will understand why
  • no mid-line shirts—as soon as you go to fix your pony tale or bend over to pick something up, your backside and stomach get exposed, opt for longer fitting t shirts
  • snap up shirts are out–if you can snap it, so can your children
  • zipper tops, kids love to unzip things, especially mommy’s shirt

Do the layered look for your wardrobe and you will be set.  I have 4 solid colored long t shirts that I wear under everything.  When I was nursing full time I cut nursing slits in them and wore them under my tops, now I just wear them under things because it makes me feel more modest.  I know that if someone pulls on my outer top I am covered by my undershirt.

For skirts….

  • avoid wrap around skirts, they always come apart when sitting down
  • no slits up the front, unless you sew them, they will fall apart when sitting down
  • shorter flowing skirts are good to fly up on you when walking holding onto a little one, avoid
  • sew the slits in most skirts.  I haven’t found too many skirts that the slit is as low as I like it.  While walking you would be surprised at how much of your leg is exposed, do a simple straight stitch to sew it together.

We try and avoid all dry clean only clothing.  If it can’t be washed and dried by me, it probably won’t get done.  I am not an iron-er either so shirts must be wrinkle free.

My wardrobe is pretty basic.  I have solid 4 solid color t shirts,  and 4 solid color long sleeve shirts to wear under my tops.  I have 3-4 nicer church tops, and 10 everyday tops.  My tops are able to let my skin breathe.  Being a mother is a hard, sweaty job.  I realized I don’t want to be wondering if I have wet armpits while praising the Lord on Sundays.  I avoid all white and light colored tops.  Knowing they will get stained somehow.   For skirts I keep 3 nice for church, and 3 for everyday.  I have my favorites and will continually wear those.  Why would I keep something that wasn’t comfortable or that i didn’t really like completely?  I also keep my colors simple.  I like brown and purple.  Most all of my undershirts are brown then while shopping, I know that all I have to look for is a coordinating top to go over it.  Makes it much easier.

For footwear, wearing heels is a little dangerous while carrying babies.  Plus they are not good for your back or your feet.  Save yourself some grief and pick out a cute pair of practical shoes or boots.  I have a set of brown leather boots that go with all of my wardrobe, I chose this as my footwear option.  I have no need for pantyhose, or knee socks, just any pair will do.  I prefer to be barefoot most of the time, so if I do have to go out, I usually just grab a pair of my husbands socks and then put on my boots.  Simple and easy.  Same for summer shoes.  I have a pair of flip flops that are for yard wear, a nicer pair of sandals for church, and one nicer pair for wearing out.  That is all.  Well actually I have a pair of tennis shoes for walking, but that is it.  Just a basic set.

We don’t store miscellaneous things in our closet. I find a place for things that need a home.  The only thing I do hide in here is some early birthday or Christmas presents.  But clothing that no longer fits gets put away in a bin down in the basement, thrown away, or given away.  We don’t hold onto the “maybe one day I will use this theory.”  We get rid of it.  If clothing hasn’t been worn in the last year, we pitch it.  As soon as there are holes in clothing–socks, pants,shirts, etc–they get thrown away or in the “to sew” pile.

up next the laundry room…..


Large family organization tips part 3 the kitchen

In part three of our series large family organization tips we will look at our kitchen.

When you walk into a kitchen, do you imagine seeing perfectly cleaned up countertops? Appliances all neatly wiped down and looking uniform?  Not a speck of paper left anywhere?  Images of magazines make kitchens look appealing, but in reality what is your kitchen looking like when you walk in?  Try it, step out of your kitchen and then walk back into it.  What is the first thing that catches your eye?  What is something your husband notices when he comes in—be humble and ask him?  What are you embarrassed that guests will see when they come over?

For my own kitchen, it is the catch all for everything and that usually leads to clutter.  When you have one or two people usually it is more manageable.  But add in 6,7,8,10… people and the clutter become overwhelming quickly.    So lets say that you are supermom and have all of the counters cleared of papers and the food put away, but you still look at your kitchen and see clutter.  We can have clutter by having too many decorations and appliances sitting out on the countertops and for the most part they rarely get used.

In our home, we have to implement quick clean up’s at multiple times throughout the day.  Usually it is after meals but at dinner time it needs to be done before Dad walks in.  My husband doesn’t mind a messy home because he understands the amount of work it takes to do that, but I can tell that he does get bothered by it.  I like to try and get the major dishes, the dinner prep ones washed and put away before we even serve dinner.   I want to try and create an atmosphere that is not chaotic, and somewhat peaceful for my husband as he comes home after a long, usually stressful day.  I know for myself, I appreciate it when my husband gets the house picked up when he is at home watching the children if I am out for an event.  I try and do the same for him.  But things happen, we get overwhelmed and tired and I am thankful that I have a husband who is patient with me as I work through the struggles that can arise in my job as homemaker.

I know that when we have our afternoons go as planned, I have prepared and cleaned up dinner prep mess, and have all our “work” done for the day, it frees up our nights to just enjoy our time with Dad, instead of relating how “horrible and chaotic” of a day I have had.  I am then usually free to be able to take the children outside and spend some relaxing time from my busy day as well.

Having a home that is organized  and in order especially in  a large family is definitely a must for a peaceful day.

So how do we go about decluttering and organizing these areas??  Just like everything else in home management, we need a place for everything and everything in its place rule.  We also need to train our children to put things away and not just “set” them on the counters.

Some people have these large elaborate kitchens with much counter space and spacious cabinets to hold everything, those are not what we have.  But I don’t mind   Having a small kitchen has taught me to be neat, keep down my clutter, and be creative when it comes to organizing my kitchen.  When it comes to working it keeps my children and myself close-knit and together.  I prefer it. We would probably make a larger mess and maybe not clean up as we go if we had a larger kitchen.

In my kitchen, we try and keep all of our food downstairs in our pantry.  It is much easier to look at one big shelf of food and know what we have, instead of searching through multiple cabinets. ( We will do a pantry organization in this series as well).

I do keep a smaller pantry upstairs for baking items and spices. I like to keep items up here that I can get to quickly while baking and cooking foods.

I purchase all my spices at a Bulk Food Store–much cheaper than the grocery store.  I always have on hand the following for creating meals:

  • chopped onion–I like the ease of adding dried chopped onions, vs having to get out the food processor.
  • garlic salt–to make garlic butter with
  • dried green peppers–nice having these around even if you are out of fresh ones.
  • oregano–for our homemade spaghetti sauce
  • basil–for our spaghetti or mostaccioli
  • cumin–for hummus ––made almost every week
  • paprika
  • chili powder
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • sea salt and pepper

I like to hang my aprons inside here for quick access to.

Also on the top shelf we keep peanut butter, cornstarch, non cooking spray, or any other spice that is open and needs to be used up.

On the left is a funnel to help pour our filtered water from a 5 gallon jug to a container with a spigot in the refrigerator.

The next shelf contains:

  • dried milk–much cheaper to use in cooking than prepared milk
  • white flour—my husband prefers this in over white/wheat flour in his cinnamon rolls
  • gallon of maple syrup
  • vinegar–to use in our homemade cleaner–we use everyday
  • coconut oil–in gallon container

We then have gallon glass containers and some plastic ones that I have saved from our coconut oil.  In those we keep the items that we have stored down in the basement in 5 gallon buckets.

  • brown rice
  • oatmeal
  • white whole wheat flour
  • raw sugar
  • popcorn




At the bottom of the pantry I have my appliances.


On the door are my homemade mixes.  I like to keep our Parmesan cheese containers to store this stuff in.  I have made the following and will be adding soon.

  • ranch mix
  • chicken bouillon
  • taco seasoning
  • baking powder–aluminum free

We also just use this containers to store the following:

  • pretzel salt
  • potato flakes–for thickening soups like potato bacon chowder
  • regular salt—for spills in the oven, or when someone drops an egg on the floor–just sprinkle over the egg and scoop it up.  Happens ALOT around here.





On these shelves I have:

  • baking soda
  • container of rice–when cleaning out our water bottles, it is hard to clean the insides out.  I sprinkle some dry rice and swish around with warm water.  Cleans the insides perfectly. Works great for baby bottles too.
  • my bulk peppermint tea—I ALWAYS have 2 bags in my water bottle.
  • molasses
  • maple/vanilla flavoring
  • popcorn flavoring


In our cup cupboard we have some plastic cups.  We do not own glass.  In our household it does not last long.  I keep sippy cups in here with the tops and valves in a smaller container.

Notice the toothbrushes???  Yes much easier to brush everyone’s teeth after breakfast by the sink.

I also keep a basket of hair supplies under my sink with a brush, comb, and squirt bottle of water to help manage their hair.

My kitchen is my centralized location, I do everything here if I do not have to deviate from this room very much, my life is easier.  I keep all that I can here.

2014-04-29_00065We have our plate cupboard and that includes these dishes.  I have a set of  plastic ones for my lunch time meals, they are small and easy to clean.  Having little ones reminds me that they like their foods separately, not touching.  This was a good solution.


Over the years I have had many place settings and most of them have gotten broken or chipped.  When I was looking to buy something one time and no more I had to find something that was indestructible.  I thought about cafeteria style plates like what we used to get in schools for lunch.  That led me to an ebay purchase and I found 30 of these plates for around $25 shipped.  I love them, large enough to fit multiple foods for dinner, very sturdy,  and a place to hold silverware.  Plus its kind of funny to watch when you have guests and you hand them your “cafeteria tray” for dinner.  🙂




I do keep 4 regular porcelain plates, for my husbands dinner, as he gets home after we eat.  I put his food on one and top with an upside down plate and set his food in the oven.  We don’t own a microwave so  I need to be able to keep his warm.  We also have plastic bowls for cereal.  One day, I would like a set of bowls that is the same kind of material as our dinner plates.  Hint, hint, if my hubby is reading this (which he should be:) for Christmas maybe.


We also have a cabinet for our cooking pots.  I finally was able to replace all of our teflon leaking pans and invested in some nice stainless steel pots over the last few years.  Staying with a minimalist mindset I keep only what I need:

  •  2 large stainless stock pots, the heavy bottom kind
  • 1 chicken fryer
  • 1 regular frying pan for omelets
  • 1 small pot for melting things like butter, coconut oil, etc.  Remember no microwave
  • lg roaster pan–we use it to make lasagna and burrito casserole
  • I also put my muffin tins here, they are just kind of in the way anywhere else.

My favorite thing that I did “new” in organizing was to make a baking cupboard.  I like to be efficient at all that I do, when it comes to working in the kitchen it would only make sense to apply it here as well.  I took our old cup cupboard and turned it into a baking cupboard.


In this cupboard, I put every cooking tool that I would use for baking and that includes these:

  • 6 stainless steel bread pans
  • glass mixing bowls–they have not broke yet?!?!?!
  • stainless steel mixing bowls
  • rolling pin
  • hand mixer
  • measuring cups and spoons
  • tea towels–for laying over rising bread
  • paper muffin cups
  • cookie scoop

I also stored my serving dishes here.  I have about 5 that I have around.  Nice to put on the lazy susan and just spin it around to get which one I need.



This has cut down on a bunch of movements when baking in my kitchen.  I can usually put a girl right in front of this cupboard and she doesn’t have to move around the kitchen much to get all the supplies she needs.


In our oven, I keep our baking sheets inside of here.  They are flat and fit nicely.  I own 2 jelly roll style pans and 6 air baked cookie sheets.  They have lasted for many years in our household.

We own a refrigerator and  no other major appliances.  I keep this bible verse on our refrigerator to remind my children to do their work first then they will be allowed to eat.


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We have a large stainless steel bowl that I use for mixing up large batches of baked goods.  I also use it for popcorn.  It is too big to store inside cupboards.  This is a perfect place for it, up and out of the way.2014-04-29_00066

This cupboard is pretty much empty as of now, I put our extra larger bowls in.  A cheese grater, my blade for my food processor–I nailed it up on the back as it is very sharp, and a mesh strainer.  This cupboard is up on top, way out of children’s reach.  Guess this is called my “danger” cupboard.2014-04-29_00062

Next to my stove up on top is this cupboard.  Kind of out of the way and not needed in my daily routine.  I use it to store my cleaning rags—I use microfiber cloths.  I also have an old toothbrush, scrub brush, scotch brite pads, and sponges for cleaning in this box.  I also store our paper towels. I use them to quickly wipe the bathrooms in the mornings.

In front–kind of a strange cupboard to some–is my tin foil.  It is next to my oven and almost everyday I am baking dinner and need to pull off a sheet of tin foil.  This is perfect as it is right next to it. 2014-04-29_00061

This cupboard is up next to the cleaning rag one.  I love having all my supplies up high.  In here I keep the following:


In this cupboard I store all my plastic containers.  In the back I put my 3 glass baking dishes.  With some disposable pans–I must of been doing some freezer cooking.  I also keep some serving platters back here.  Not a high traffic area cupboard so not a big deal that it is full.2014-04-29_00058

After watching a documentary about plastic and our world, it has made me be more aware and cautious about wasting plastic bags.  We rewash them as much as we can and I put them into this basket which is stored in that cupboard.2014-04-29_00057

In the top of this cupboard I store my crockpot and the right and on the left I keep a basket of plastic baggies.



We have a lazy susan pantry, that I despise in my kitchen.  I never liked it for food as I hated having things fly off and fall behind.  I emptied this cupboard and didn’t use it for the longest time, until now.  I store all of my extra paper supplies in here.  I don’t use these items much, but I like them accessible.  This cupboard was perfect. It keeps my:

  • paper plates
  • plastic ups
  • plastic spoons
  • plastic forks
  • straws
  • extra plastic containers–that we freeze most all of our foods into–and lids.

We use paper plates occasionally, I usually buy a large package and it lasts one month.  I like to have the disposable items on hand, because we hold once per month teen open mics at our home.  We serve food and have a rockin time.  Nice having the disposable items for these events.

One last cupboard up high is my catch all cupboard–out of children’s reach.



In this cupboard, I keep:

  • my cookbooks–I only own 3
  • my medical box
  • my purse
  • jar of change
  • my vitamins
  • lotion bottle
  • small box full of miscellaneous things like super glue, matches, and a flashlight–I like to have these here in case of an emergency
  • my special treats– Jelly Belly anyone–this is my bribing tool:)


This is my medicine box, I used to keep it in the hallway towel closet, but my little ones have a fascination with bandaids and whenever I needed one, I never had one.  We used to store our pain medicine in the bathroom but every time I needed it, I would have to go get it on the other end of the house.  Now it is all in one area.

  • band aids
  • antibiotic ointment–for cuts
  • hydro-cortisone cream-for itches
  • Motrin–for all ages, pain or fever
  • vapor rub–to help with breathing
  • Carmex–the best lip balm out there
  • cough drops
  • nail clippers
  • tweezers–we get ticks here
  • medicine droppers
  • prescription medication

This is all up high, no worries about a curious preschooler climbing into the medicine cabinet. Can you tell that happened???

Do you have some men in your family who come home and just empty their pockets on the countertops?  I do and I usually go about picking it up and putting it where “I” think it should go.  That usually leads to my husband asking the next day where it was that I put the things he sat on the countertop.  So how do you go about respecting your husbands area for things without disrupting your “clean and decluttered” kitchen?  You create a “catch-all” drawer or container.  Also known as a junk drawer.  In this drawer, I have a basket for the items that my husband leaves on the counter.  The next time he asks where his stuff is, I can direct him to the drawer.–I have since moved this up to the container with the matches and flashlight in.

Onto my drawers…….

Most have become empty.  I finally got what I wanted for years……..



Sounds simple.  A container to hold forks and spoons that I can leave out on the counter.  Might not be a big deal for some, but when you are dishing out meals for 12 people, grabbing drinks, and then go find silverware for everyone , it can take some time.  Now everyone can grab their own on the way to the table, but out of the servers way in the kitchen.  One of my favorite things in my kitchen:)



In my old top drawer, it used to hold silverware but not any more.  Now it holds all of my items in one drawer.  I keep a container for toddler forks and spoons, one for serving spoons, one for knives.  I only keep 4 butter serving knives and 2 paring knives, throw in a pair of kitchen shears and I am all ready for cutting.

I also keep my can opener here, melon baller, thermometer, ice cream scoop, and apple corer.  I have 3 serving cutters for cakes and pies as well.

***note— can openers I despise as well.  We go through them almost every 3-5 months.  Ridiculous.  I have tried, electric, brand name, nothing stays.  I just recently bought one that was Made in America.  It works nicely and I hope it lasts.  I will keep you posted.

The next drawers as of now are empty, a good feeling.

The bottom drawer holds our wash cloths and hand towels.  I do not keep these anywhere else in the home.  It is much easier for me to have a central location, instead of constantly delivering to multiple places.  We go through many wash cloths a day, washing 5 children’s’ faces multiple times per day, we use many.  This drawer gets emptied about every 2 days.



This is one more drawer that we have.  I originally had it like this:

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But have now only kept the rechargeable batteries and charger in.  Everything else I moved.

My counter tops are simple, not much to clean off.    By  my stove, I keep pot holders hung for easy access to the oven.  I have my homemade Modge Podge tiles on the wall.  In our plant pots I have a chive plant and a orange mint tea plant.  I like to take the leaves off and put it in my water to drink during the day.  The chives we use in eggs and soups.


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I keep this container full of utensils so that my drawers do not get over loaded.  I also keep our large knives in here.

  • butcher meat knife
  • bread cutting knife
  • wooden spoons
  • large stainless steel spoon
  • ladle
  • slotted large spoon
  • spatula
  • potato masher
  • tongs
  • whisker

I try and save up and buy one good utensil from our bulk food Mennonite store when I go shopping there about every 3 months.  They have good quality items and I know they will last me for life.


**This is our counters now.  My plants have since died.  I realize that I do not have a very good green thumb.  It has to be learned:)  I keep our water bottles on the counter at all times.



We decided to invest in some good water bottles.  I bought these Contigo ones and really like them.  I bought a different design for every member of the family.  I wash these out every night and fill every morning.  It is much easier than washing a million, ok hundreds of cups throughout the day from sips here and there.  It is also very nice that when we go somewhere I just grab all the water bottles and everyone has a drink. No more disposable water bottles.

Here is a view into our dining room.  I love this serving window.  I can pass plates easily to an older child when dinner is ready.  

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The only thing I keep on my counter top all the time is my electric tea kettle.  This is how I make my coffee.  I use instant coffee and hot water.  I use the same coffee cup everyday, bought it at the Dollar store.  I also try and keep a bowl of cut up carrots to munch on during the day.  As part of my weight loss help.  Being in the kitchen constantly I am too tempted to munch on foods, I try and grab these carrots to feed the need.


**I have actually gotten a really nice coffee cup from my children for my birthday this year.  It is just Mom’s coffee cup.  Stainless steel, keeps my coffee hot for a long time.  


By our sink, I keep out a small bottle of dish soap and a washcloth to do dishes with.  We used to use a sponge, but I realized that you can just as easily wash with a washcloth.   I keep a stainless steel scrubbie underneath the sink for those hard to clean potsIMG_20140514_001431

My husband is so amazing and saw my need for a large family dishrack.  Our dish racks were always  over flowing.  I resorted to using bath towels.  Which left me with 3 extra bath towels to wash every day.  For Mothers Day this year, he made me this amazingly super heavy duty dish drainer and rack.

I could literally, if I really wanted to, leave out almost a whole days worth of dishes and let them sit and not be put away.  That is how much this rack holds.  I absolutely LOVE it!!! The best thing ever, I think he needs to sell these:)



This is my little nook in the kitchen.  It keeps all my information at.  I have my household binder, which holds all my homeschooling information, book lists, recipes, chore packs, and business paperwork.  I keep my computer netbook on the counter top here to be able to use it as needed.

On the walls:

On my bulletin board I keep a calendar, any bills to be paid–there are none at the time of my photo, and notes and things that I need to keep track of.  I also keep my file cabinet keys, a set of baby nail clippers—because I hate having to track those down, and pictures of friends.

I have this little wooden container and it holds my camera, my phone, and my tablet.  I didn’t want to see charger cords so my husband drilled a hole into our counter tops and I was then able to  keep it plugged in without having to see the cord mess everyday.



This is where it is plugged in at and above it is my counter tops.



This is underneath my area.  I keep my crock pot, glass serving dish, and large mixing bowls here.



***As with everything I have made some changes to my work area.  Here is what it looks like now.



Instead of paperwork all over the wall, I contain it to the bulletin board.  I have put away my binder–straight up above in the cupboard.  I also have done away with lists.


This has replaced my notepads.  I made it out of a picture frame and some scrapbook paper.  I use a dry erase marker and write down what I need, wipe when finished  So much better than scribbled out paper slips.  See how I made it here.

The shelves under my work area have since become empty.  I have a very curious toddler who likes to climb.  I had to remove all the items under here as he was getting into them.  Makes it look neater.

That is how we do our large family organization of the kitchen.  I am sure we can improve on some areas.  That is what I like to do, if I find things that don’t work and are constantly causing me to clean, then I usually revamp my organizing and find a different way.

So this article sounds all good, but what if organizing is NOT your “natural” thing to do?  Do you just say forget it?  No way.  When we don’t know how to do something we just start little by little and learn to do it.  I never knew how to cook, I wasn’t a natural organizer at all.  But God knew how to work on me and teach me.  By things getting overwhelmingly full and having so many things, I had to want to do different to reduce some of the chaotic stress in my life.  Usually most new things look overwhelming.  Think of when you first accepted Christ as your Savior……Did you look at how far you had to go to become a “good Christian?”  Or do you look at how far you have come?  We have to remember when things get  big we don’t call it quits, we just look at those mountains and instead of trying to climb them and fall back down, we say to it to be thou removed and God will help us.

How do you start?

  • Pay attention to the things you do in your kitchen.
  •  How much fumbling do you do for an object each day?
  •  How many times do you constantly look for that one item?
  •  How much moving around do you do searching for this and that?
  • Keep in mind what you want to fix and fix it.

Start with paperwork

 You need to identify what the paperwork is and where it came from and then where it is supposed to go.  Sort through your mail by the trash can and immediately throw away junk mail.  Open the bills and place them in an area that you pay your bills at.  Put the magazines and newspapers in the area that you read them at.  After you have read the magazine or newspaper throw it away.  If you have an article or recipe that you want to save from the publication then cut it out and place it in your household binder or in your recipe box.  If it is paperwork for your husband place it in an area just for that.  I use my wall clipboards for that purpose.

Counter tops and appliances

If your counter-tops are covered in appliances, you need to reevaluate which ones you actually “need” out everyday and which ones you can put away because it takes probably 10 seconds to get it out again.   It is more pleasing to the eye and makes a nicer workplace for you to be in.  Clearing the clutter from the kitchen is not a once and forever job, it is something that needs to be evaluated every few months. It can creep up on us and we need to be diligent in watching it so that it doesn’t take us over.  What makes it hard, is that we have to constantly fumble around it to do our everyday work.  We need to train ourselves to be more efficient in removing the clutter from our kitchen counters.

Time to sort and pitch items

 You need to go through every cupboard and drawer in your kitchen and see which items you use regularly and which you use occasionally–put those in a box in basement, and ones you never use.  Keep the ones you never use in a box and in a months time if you don’t need that item, give the stuff away.  For example we use 4 knives in our kitchen.  I have 2 vegetable paring knives, 1 bread cutting knife, and 1 meat butcher knife.  That is all I ever need.  I used to have a knife set and quickly realized I rarely used them, why was I holding onto them?  Get rid of them.  Free yourself from clutter.

Still overwhelmed?

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  Start small.  Each day clean out 1 cabinet and 1 drawer.   In a week or 2 weeks time you will have completely went through every cupboard in your kitchen.  Remember keep the items in a box to give away but put it in a separate area out of sight.  See if you even think about those items after a months time.  Also keep items that you don’t normally use like roasters, cake pans,  canning items, etc, in a basement or separate storage area.


  Start paying attention to how many movements you make when doing daily tasks in the kitchen.

  •  Is all your coffee items in the same area?
  •  How about all your baking items in the same area?
  • When it is time to cut up vegetables are they all within the sinks area?
  • Breakfast materials in same place?

Put the items that you use daily within reach.  If you have children place things that they are responsible for getting out at their level.  When I had four little children and no older helpers I placed all of our cups and dinner plates on a bottom cupboard to keep my children from climbing counters everyday.


Up next the dining room….
























apple oatmeal squares

After making and freezing applesauce, I made sure to dice up some plain apples to be used for baking throughout the year.

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We made these apple oatmeal squares and the children thought they were delicious.  Very simple and easy recipe.

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For apple oatmeal squares you will need:

  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 1/4 cup flour–i use white whole wheat
  • 1 cup brown sugar–i use raw sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups quick oatmeal
  • 1 quart of diced apples or about 4 cups

Mix together until crumbly the butter, flour, sugar, and oatmeal.007 (2)

Press 2/3 of the mixture in a 9×13 baking pan.009 (2)

Top with diced apples.

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Press the remaining crumbs on top

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bake 350 oven for about 40 minutes.

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You want the top to be crisp.  When cool cut into squares.

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Variation:  If you want it to be a little more sweeter:  Mix 1 cup powdered sugar with some water to make a glaze.  Drizzle on top of the bars.  







sloppy joe casserole and homemade macaroni and cheese an easy meal idea for a busy day


Sloppy joe casserole and homemade macaroni and cheese is an easy meal for a busy day.   Since we are busy making applesauce this was a great my top choice for dinner.   Early in the morning I had this all prepared and sitting, waiting in the oven for the dinner hour.  We were all famished and it tasted good with our homemade applesauce.

It is  very simple and easy meal to make.  It reminds me of tater tot casserole, a favorite of the Duggars, but not so creamy.  The homemade macaroni and cheese is a favorite of everyone’s and is the most request food when it comes to special birthday dinners.  Try it with it’s secret ingredient, ok not so secret, but it makes it taste so good.




Maryon homemade macaroni and cheese

  • 1-16 oz pkg elbow macaroni noodles, cooked for about 7 minutes–you do not want them all the way cooked, otherwise when you goto bake them, they will be mushy.  Less is best when cooking these.
  • milk–enough to cover about 1/3 of your baking pan
  • velveeta cheese–about 6 large slices
  • colby cheese about 2 cups of shredded or cubed
  • if I have any cheeses on hand like mozzarella, or cheddar we will throw these in as well, the more the better.
  • chicken bouillon about 2 Tablespoons, depending upon your tastes

I know I have said it before I don’t like to cook via the recipe, I usually always do a taste of things and see what I need more of.  But I will do my best to describe what it is I do.

After you have partially cooked and drained your macaroni, you are going to place that in a greased baking dish.  Pour milk over top of the macaroni, you want to see the milk in your noodles, about 1/3 of the bottom of the pan is milk.  Next place your cheeses in the mixture.  I like to shred or cube my colby cheese.  If I have some leftover mozzarella or cheddar, I use that as well.  I add  about 6 thick slices of Velveeta to my pasta for its creaminess factor.  I then add about 2 T of chicken bouillon.  Give it a good stir.  Cover it with tin foil and bake 350 for about 30-45 minutes.

Make it alongside of sloppy joe casserole






This dish is easy as you just throw in your ingredients and bake it.

How to make sloppy joe casserole

In a baking pan,place 2 lbs of cooked ground beef or turkey in the bottom.  Pour 2 cans of sloppy joe on top and stir together.  Place a bag of tater tots on top and cover with tin foil.  Bake in 350 oven  for 30 minutes.  Remove the foil and continue to bake for 15 more minutes until partially crispy.   Sometimes if we are not serving it with macaroni and cheese, we will place some Velveeta cheese slices on top.  It is also good with canned green beans.


Plain and simple cooking….