Tag Archives: happiness

How to turn a bad day into a good day in 7 easy steps


How to turn a bad day into a good day in 7 easy steps

  1. Expect good things. Say to yourself that today will be a great day. Anticipate a great thing happening today.
  2. Focus on positive points. See each person and each problem, as an opportunity to be a blessing to them in some small way.
  3. Refuse to make self-fulfilling prophesy. Don’t assume the world is right when telling you that you deserve to be unhappy. Everyone has a voice and a special plan for their lives. Embrace it, don’t deny it.
  4. Your past does not determine your future. No matter what mistakes you may have made in the past, or yesterday for that matter, today is a new day. The sun shall rise again.
  5. Get a sense of proportion. Think is this really going to matter two weeks from now?
  6. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. You can’t fix how you feel if your not taking care of the body you have to live in.
  7. Be thankful. A heart of gratitude is truly thankful for whatever is thrown their way.



Where have all the “good daddy’s gone?”



It doesnt take a genius to know the facts about how our society has lost the fathers in the home. Most every problem our young men have today can be some how related back to the relationship they had with their fathers. Most Dads are too busy working or following their own leisure activities, that they forgot what their first role in life was—to be a father.



Then you have the other side of the spectrum where the fathers are told to be their child’s ‘friend’ instead of being their child’s parent which is leading to a whole generation of children growing up with no sense of direction or self-control. These children are learning to have an unhealthy sense of entitlement and have an inability to deal with any authority. They have no idea about quaint notions like ‘boundaries’ or ‘the consequences of their actions’. We are witnessing the creation of a generation of selfish teenagers who feel the world owes them something for having done absolutely nothing.
When does all this madness stop. When do Dads step up and take a stand to reclaim their place in the home?


Children need rules, direction, and authority in order to thrive. They need to fail, to fall down, to get hurt, to cry, and to see consequences to their actions in order to be healthy and well-adjusted.
Fathers, you are the primary model of manhood for your sons. You are their most meaningful mentor, and believe it or not, you are their hero in countless ways. Your words and your example are a great influence on them.


A good father makes all the difference in a child’s life. He’s a pillar of strength, support and discipline. His work is endless and, oftentimes, thankless. But in the end, it shows in the sound, well-adjusted children he raises.


For a man to raise his boys, that is his pride and joy. In your boys you should see a promising future and a hope for a better, more improved version of your self. All their accomplishments should be a joy to you. You need to share in their worries and problems and counsel them as you can.


Talk to them about everything. Share with them your failures, your how-to’s, and just good clean man talk. Dont dominate the conversation.  Ask questions, get them to open up about issues in their lives. Let them know you truly do care whats going on.


Include them in all your activities. If you are away from the home most of the day, make sure you save “man” projects to do with your boys. Teach them skills that they will need for their future.


And fathers pray for your boys. All of the negative influences that our teenage boys are being shown in every aspect of their lives through digital media is staggering. Pray that your boys will keep their eyes closed to such negative influences in the world.


In honor of Fathers Day, to the most wonderful “daddy” my children could ever have.  Thank you for being a wonderful man for our sons. ( and daughters too).  Happy Fathers Day!







The difference a smile makes

I had lots of errands to run today and had to take all 8 of my children with me. I was not looking forward to it, as it can get hectic. You never know if a child is going to have a meltdown right in the middle of the store. But thankfully, nothing of that caliber happened today. Despite being gone for over 6 hours all the children were good. It was very easy to smile and show the world that “yes, I am very happy with my life.”
But what if my day had gone quite differently? What if I had been annoyed with my children? What would I be saying to the world then? That I am no different and life is crappy. That is not what I want to do with my life. I want to be an influence, a positive one to others. How can I do that?
The answer is very simple……a smile. What a difference a smile makes.


Each cashier that I came in contact with, did not look very happy. Most looked downright annoyed. Each and every one I had to interact with I made sure to ask them a question and address them by name with a smile. I would listen to their complaints and try and leave an encouraging response. Even my “in training” bagger I was sure to say what a great job she was doing and that the store was very fortunate to have such a hard worker like herself. That instantly put a smile on her face. Did it stay with her? I don’t know, but I hope that even though her day was going quite dimly, she might look back on that one word of positiveness and smile.

The bible says in Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

A complaining spirit drains us emotionally and takes away our joy. It reflects pessimism, not optimism. But those who learn to think and speak about “‘praiseworthy things” have a joyful heart.
Try it today. Smile at your children more, let them know that Mom or Dad delights in them. How about your spouse, do they get to see a smile when they first walk in the door? How about the people you interact with at work? Its amazing what a little smile will do for a person’s soul.


Taking the time with your children

When I first became a mother I had an older wiser woman tell me to get down on my child’s level often. But as a mom of many I realize the reality of much to do in a days time. It is very easy to forget what my most important jobs are.

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If you want to connect, really connect with your child, get down on their level. While talking to them look into their eyes so that they know all your attention is on them. Listen to what they have to say. If it is a crawling baby, get down and crawl around with your baby, nothing worse than seeing mom walk off to no mans land and not being able to catch her.

When walking with your child, if not absolutely necessary, don’t keep their arms pulled up into the air for long periods of time. I think that if I had to constantly look up or keep my arm extended up while holding someone else’s hand, it would become tiresome.


Do something out of the ordinary to surprise your small children, throw on some music and start dancing for half an hour with them. Grab a piece of paper and draw a picture for them–you don’t have to be an artist, make it fun.

If you have a fussing baby, walk them outside for a moment, just a change of scenery will brighten their day.

When my children goto bed each night, I want them to lay in bed thinking about the fun they had that day. I don’t want them to remember all of mom’s crabby moods. I want them to think about the picture I drew, or the flower we picked, or the bug we looked at.


As always remember this little life has been handed to you, it is your job to nurture and help it grow. Take the time to stop and enjoy with them just being a child. See the blessings that the Lord will bring forth by
taking those few extra moments with them.

John 15:12
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.






7 tips for the harried housewife

cropped-try-this1.jpg1. Keep things practical and simple.

When we live and work in the home, if we have a lot of stuff it feels cluttered. There is always something that needs cleaning, or straightening. Always something getting in the way. I find that if I don’t use something for a whole year, I get rid of it. I try and go through my house and weed out things that are unused at least 2 or 3 times per year. Give away to a friend, or sell online and pay off some debt. Make rooms as simple as possible. Ask yourself “Do I really need this? Or what purpose does this fill?” Work on a room every month, in a years time you should have made significant progress.

2. A place for everything, and everything in its place.

I can’t stress this enough…..organize…….organize…….organize. I could do this weekly. I’m always thinking of a better way to do things or to make them more efficient. Train your family to place items back where they got them from. Yes, it takes lots of time but eventually the 2 year old will get it!

3. Do 15 minutes of quick clean up.

Amazing what you can do in 15 short minutes of time. Set the timer and everyone work. Fill the sink with water and start cleaning up the counters, placing all stray cups in the sink, wipe down counters, backboards, and stoves while filling the sink. Wash a few dishes and let air dry, soak the crusted on pans while you sweep up the kitchen floor.

4. Keep odors under control.

Smelly homes are bad, they send a messages to unexpected guests that you are unclean. Keep bathroom trashes empty, wipe bathrooms down daily. Use a paper towel and cleaner in a spray bottle and do a quick wipe of sink, then toilet, then floors before you leave the bathroom in the morning.
For your diapers, keep your trash lid closed or throw diapers in an outside trash can. If you use cloth make sure to keep them in a closed in area preferable away from the normal household activities. Keep a few candles around to light in a quick pinch. My favorite is banana nut bread—-yummy.

5. Teach child preventative maintenance.

This takes time and patience but in the long run will yield good fruit. Train your children when coming into the home, take off your shoes and coats and put them away immediately. When done washing their hands and brushing their teeth, wipe up the mess in the bathroom. These little helps will go a long way.

6. Moms, get your sleep.

I know the one foolproof way for me to end up “losing it” is by not getting enough sleep. When we are not rested we will not be fit to take care of our children. The rule is if you are not blessed to have your babies sleep through the night then goto bed when they do. Its so easy to get wrapped up in reading blogs or by watching TV but it will take a toll on us in the morning. For myself, I have a nursing baby who eats every 3 hours, a 2 year old that has slept through the night maybe a handful of times since she was born, and a 3 year old who occasionally still gets up. Sleep is just not for me:-) I figured when I retire I’m gonna sleep till noon everyday:-)

7. Spend time in prayer.

When things look overwhelming, and you just don’t know what to do…goto the Lord. Ask him which things are most important for you to do right now and which can be put off till later. Or maybe you just need to vent and get some reassuring comfort.

As with everything know that to tomorrow is a new day and you can start out fresh again.