Opportunities to serve
At church
Among your church groups, you may feel too old to be part of the youth group anymore but still not quite old enough to be part of the woman’s group in your church. I would encourage you to attend these women’s meetings and gain insight and knowledge from them. They were all once young like yourself and you could gain much wisdom. It may seem weird at first, but give it a try. You can also see if you can help out in a younger program at your church. If you enjoy working with children, try the children’s church part of your church. I am sure they would love an “energetic” young person to come help with the children. Serve in the nursery helping out the young moms. Everyone loves a cheerful, willing helper. Make yourself available, volunteer for things needed in the church. Ask your pastor to see which types of things you can get involved in helping doing. It might be as simple as helping clean the church once per week. You may be able to help on the welcoming committee baking cookies. There is always something to do and probably not enough people to help do it. If your church is small and your parent’s approve, search out larger churches in your area with young adult groups.
In the community:
There may be plenty of things to volunteer doing in your own community. If you enjoy working with the elderly, contact a local nursing home and see what types of opportunities you can have to volunteer. Your local library probably would enjoy some extra hands, plus you can gain some extra skills. If you enjoy serving others, look at your local hospital for volunteer service opportunities. Local animal shelters would probably have many needs for helping. Soup kitchens and food banks would offer positions to come help each week as well.
In the home:
I know what a blessing it can be to have an extra hand to help me out during the day. Be a willing helper to your mom each day. Set aside extra time to help school younger ones, give your mom a break, or help make a meal. If you do not have many opportunities in the home, look for another family whom you can bless. Offer to help another mom with her little ones in the home. Do not expect money, actually deny it. Take the skills that you gain from helping run a home and take care of the children as payment.