My frugal productivity last week #2



My goal, is to put this in each week as a new series, to allow me some regular series going each week.   I will try my best.

As you may know, I believe my role as “Mom” is a great and mighty role.  I believe that when given that role, it is my job to do the best with the resources that God has given to me and be productive with them as well.

Here are my last week’s frugal productivity……

This week was a busy week, we had just gotten back from camping and we were full swing into getting back into school.

It took me a few hours to unpack things and most of the day to wash the bedding and clothing.  I was VERY thankful for my big washer and dryer.

Being in a large family, I have found we have to be creative when it comes to organizing some of our things in our household.  For the bathroom, I have been frustrated with our scrubbie holder.  We used the chrome hooks that were hung in our shower and for the 2 hooks, we held 4 different scrubbies. Every morning, I was constantly picking up someone’s scrubbie that had fallen into the shower, fumbling with trying to untangle my scrubbie, and trying to keep one separate for the child who cannot handle any type of soap on her body.  I wanted to replace some of them and was talking to my oldest and realizing that he wasn’t even using the correct scrubbie all this time!!! I had to do something different.

I have a friend who recommended putting hooks on the back of the door and hanging them separately for each child, the only problem was that we have a pocket door for the bathroom, so that wasn’t going to work.

I then thought of staining a nice piece of cherry wood and hanging it vertically alongside of the shower and having hooks for each child’s scrubbie.  That was a good idea until I realized that the cost for the hooks was going to be $15 plus the wood cost.

Then after talking with my friend who has a “larger than us” family, she said that Walmart had a shower organizer with lots of little hooks for around $12.  I checked it out my next shopping trip and bought it.


This is perfect for us.  It holds all the scrubbies and bars of soap.  I don’t like soap on the shelves in the shower, too hard to clean.  I keep a veggie scrubber brush in the shower for little ones feet and nails.  Some of the older ones also brush their teeth in the shower.  I didn’t realize that was a “weird’ thing to do.  It just cuts down on the time to have to do it outside of the shower.  I put an index card on the wall above the shower and wrote down who has which color scrubbie.  I plan on keeping this up until everyone is acclimated in using the correct color.IMG_20140910_084224


I had to clean my oven this week.  This is one of those jobs that are NOT one of my favorite things to do.  I do not use natural homemade cleaners, as I have found it is WAY harder to clean.  This is probably the only “harsh” chemical I buy.  (I do buy bleach, because we do use this occasionally but not for regular cleaning.)  Anyways… frugal accomplishment would be to NOT use paper towels.  I had ALWAYS used almost an entire roll to clean out the oven, because I didn’t want to deal with the mess.  Well, this time I just used an old washcloth and filled a bucket full of water to rinse the cloth in.  It really wasn’t hard at all.  When I was finished I rinsed off the cloth and hung it under my sink on a little hook.  It will sit there until I have to do this task again, probably another month or so.


While vacationing, I have found that my children really enjoy peaches cut up and covered in granola.  That is something I enjoy eating and all my little ones kept eating off my plate, so I decided to give it to them for a breakfast meal.

We also have an abundance of apples right now, I like to slice up the apples and put them on a plate with a dab of peanut butter and sprinkle granola on it for my children to dip it.  Here is our easy recipe.  


We also went to our local Farmers Market this week while out for an appointment.  I like to see if anyone has containers of things that they want to get rid of and will sell to you cheaper.  I was able to pick up a box of cucumbers for $4.  They were all mismatched and some were curvy, but when peeled and cut up they taste just the same.  I kept these on the counter this week to munch on along with some baby carrots, leftover from camping.IMG_20140910_150507

I have upped our Kombucha making process.  My husband and I really enjoy drinking this healthy drink.  I was only able to make a few gallons at a time, due to not having any more large glass containers.  I went to Walmart and found 2 gallon glass “cookie” jars for $15,and now use them for making my kombucha in.  This has allowed me to NOT purchase any other kinds of drinks for my husband and myself which allows us to be frugal in our drink selection.  Plus we are getting all the added health benefits of drinking kombucha.


This was one of my favorite frugal accomplishments for the week.  I had gotten an email from York photo, giving their latest weekly deals. One of the deals was a photo book for $10. I had gotten to see another friend who had done one of these books and I thought it was a really neat project.  It is almost like scrapbooking without doing all the work.  They are normally quite expensive, but once in a while they offer them really cheap.  This was one of those times.  IMG_20140914_210519

I had to upload photos, I believe I did about 100 photos for this book. You can do as many as you want, it was only about $1.50 for extra pages, not bad at all.  IMG_20140914_210535

You can choose from a million different fonts, background designs, clipart, etc.  I could of spent hours designing these books, but I didn’t . I chose some family scriptures and quotes and picked some simple designs.

I thought it was perfect because I have been making photo collage boards for the last few years to capture our family and this would be something different, but still something besides keeping the photos on CD’s or in a box to never look at again.  I plan on giving it to my husband for Christmas as he thought it was a really neat idea and he doesn’t know that I did this unless of course he reads this blog post!!!

IMG_20140914_210548For me, this was frugal, as it will be an inexpensive gift, plus I don’t have to have them printed off and made into photo collages, which is more work as well.



I was also able to FINALLY get photos of my children printed off for my living room walls.  York also had another great deal of buy 1 get 2 free 8×10 photos.  The only problem was, amiss ordering them I somehow forgot to get the littlest ones printed off.  Thank goodness Walmart photo has free shipping, I was able to order it and it should be here this week.  Sorry Stephen.  These are going on our living room walls because my walls have been bare for a really long time.

How about you?? Any frugal productivity things that you did this week?

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