Living the abundant life part 1

Hey everyone, I hope your day is going great!  I am excited for this new series called Living the Abundant Life.  If you are a reader here, you know I talk and write a lot about living a life of abundance and cleaning out your life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Now I am excited because sometimes it is easier to get things out when I say them, instead of when I write them.  I also think that seeing a person and what they are trying to explain is so much easier….thank goodness for youtube.

I am beginning a series based off my book  …  When the clouds roll in, this book that I wrote has been a HUGE testimony of my life. It is how I changed from sadness and feeling dull to a life free in Christ.  I am excited to share.  Here is my first video from it.


I pray you enjoy!  Have a blessed day!


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