Large family freezer meals lunches and poor boy subs

Hey everyone, hope your having a great day!  We had a busy weekend….my older children and I went to Winter Jam in Greenville SC and it was such a great time!  We also added to our family this past week……you will have to watch for the video that will be out soon to see who it is:)  To say all this….it has been busy.  Monday was my dragging day. I actually sat down and closed my eyes and was thinking of taking a nap!!?!??!?!  Instead I got up and  forced myself a good walk/run at the park and felt much better—just needed to MOTIVATE!  Last night I got much needed sleep and I feel ready for today.

Here is a video on what we did this month for lunches.  It also includes how we make poor boy subs.  This is a delicious, inexpensive way to make a  meal for a group or just for your family.  Check it out.

Be blessed today and always….Amy


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