Habits to a cleaner home and more sanity

Having a messy home can be overwhelming. The habits required not only to get it cleaned but keep it cleaned seem hard to tackle.  Sometimes having our homes be in such disarray can make us feel crazy.  It doesn’t have to be this way.

Most women I have talked with are tired of the clutter.  They are tired of feeling overwhelmed and their homes being chaotic.  They want to make time for things in their life but they feel like they need to get their homes in order before they begin.  Unfortunately their homes are a much bigger mess and those new projects just get pushed aside as there is no room for them.

The problem is that we have bad habits.  Bad habits of just dropping things as we walk in the door.  Bad habits of just throwing our laundry in the corner of the room.  Bad habits of letting the dishes sit until you really need them.  Bad habits need to be broken.

As with everything in life, it is best to start in small steps to getting a habit imbedded in our lives.  Try some of these habits by implementing them for a week  or two at a time before starting on the next one.

  • Keep ALL flat surfaces clear of clutter (tables, desk, counter tops etc.)
  • Keep the kitchen sink empty.  Wash dishes as soon as you are finished with meals.
  • When you walk in the house, put ALL of your items away where they belong.
  • Have a place for everything and everything in it’s place.
  • Clean your shower and sink after you use it.  It takes a few minutes to wipe down your tub and sink everyday instead of scrubbing it once per week.
  • Put all your paperwork in one place and put it away at the end of the day. Don’t leave paperwork to pile up.  As soon as mail comes in, go through it and throw out any junk mail.
  • Hang your clothing up or put it in the laundry hamper right away.
  • Pick up before you go to bed each night—- a freeing feeling in the morning.
  • Empty the trash each day.
  • Work on 20 minutes each day of decluttering your home.
  • Make your bed every morning–even if you are going to sleep in it that night–make it!!

This may seem like a big list to tackle–it isn’t meant to do it ALL overnight.  Take ONE task and implement it into your daily habits.  After a week or two add another one.  In a few month’s time your home will be in a much cleaner state then when you began.


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