I was very blessed by our neighbor Kathy before we left Michigan by her giving me her extra Folgers plastic coffee cans. I used them to transport my 3 month food supply that I was taking with me to North Carolina. That way all my bagged items would not burst during the transit. Well they got a facelift since being here.
I found some paper that someone was throwing away at our church garage sale and I decided to reuse it. My husband had clear contact paper and so this project cost me zero dollars to do. I like those kind.
The paper worked out nicely, because it was Christmas oriented but it matched the cans perfectly. I cut a strip that would cover the can and then cut a strip of contact paper to cover the paper
These were my old, sad labels.
Now my cans are all uniform and that makes for a more organized pantry.
I put label stickers with the contents on them. If I need to change them, they tear off easily.
I also decided to do that with my ice cream buckets that store our dried beans.
Then my plastic gallon containers that coconut oil came in. This made everything look much neater.
Here is a short video of how it looks all together.