We love making appetizers for our party celebrations. This recipe was one that we tried this past Christmas and my husband absolutely loves it. Very simple to make.
You will need:
- jar of refrigerated whole kosher dill pickles
- 1 pkg of cream cheese
- 1 pkg of ham lunch meat, look for the rectangle shaped one. It makes rolling easier.
Pat dry your pickles and wipe on the cream cheese. I say that lightly, it is hard to spread cream cheese onto a pickle. We actually ended up laying out the piece of ham and putting a big blob of cream cheese onto it, and then rolled the pickle up in it. Wasn’t very proper but it did the job. I then placed them on a plate, covered them, and put them in the refrigerator overnight. The next day I took them out and sliced them up into chunks. This makes a whole lot of appetizers especially for a large family.
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