As a Mom…I’m dying little by little every day part 2

I had let people and things dictate and rule in my life.  I allowed hatred and unforgiveness to set inside of me.  It determined how I felt when I woke up, how I reacted to others, and it was taking part of my soul—mind, will, and emotions—-and letting them die each day.

All of this stemmed from having ONE person have complete control over my life, 15 years later.  How is it that something or someone can have that much control over us?  The answer is Satan.  He would love nothing better than to have a hold in our lives and not see us experience all the freedoms that God has for us.  We cannot allow that to happen.

It took me many years to figure out how to solve it. The answer was in forgiveness.  Forgiveness towards someone whom didn’t deserve it.  Forgiveness towards someone I hated.


So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.

Matthew 18:35

I needed to forgive so that God could forgive me! That was huge. I had to look at what Christ had done for me. Here was a man who did nothing wrong. He didn’t deserve to die, but He was put to shame and death. He took all of the sins of mankind upon himself and died so that all of our sins could be forgiven. Even when he was on the cross, His words were to “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Those words echoed in my brain………”for they know not what they do.”

People of the world do not know what they do. When someone isn’t walking with the Lord as they should or even completely deny God any authority in their life, they are walking in darkness. When you walk in darkness you cannot see. You just do what “feels” good. I had to look at my situation and realize that the people who hurt me were walking around in blindness. They took what they thought was theirs to take. They weren’t thinking of eternity, they were just in darkness, moved by feelings.

If someone has hurt or wronged you, you need to forgive them. That person is walking in darkness. Even if they profess to be a Christian, you have to know that they are not walking in the light of Christ. They will be one of those people who wreak iniquity, lawlessness, and God will separate them in the day of judgment.

Having unforgivness doesn’t just rob us of our peace and joy, it has a whole host of other problems that it can create in our bodies.

• Emotional problems
• Increase in bitterness
• Physical ailments
• Gradual withdrawal from spiritual things
• Allows Satan a stronghold in your life.

All of these problems CAN be eliminated.  But it begins with US taking the first step towards healing.  You can be healed from this.  It can literally be wiped away completely from your life so that it does not bother you anymore.  You will be able to look at that person and see the “lost soul” that they are and thank God that you are no longer part of that world.

You will be able to live.  You will be able to restore the death that has occurred inside of your body.  You will have “life and life more abundantly.”

Need more convincing?

This series is part of excerpts from my book When the Clouds Roll In…….Finding contentment in the midst of the storm.  You can purchase it now as a download or it is available on Amazon for paper back copy.  If you want to transform your life and begin a life that is exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think……..pick this up.

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