Ok since our series has been on the all natural cleaning, I figured germs and cleaning go hand in hand. We should take into account areas that we touch almost everyday that are full of germs. Some of these are pretty obvious like the toilet, money, light switches, and shopping carts, but others we might not think much of. Things we can be aware of and be sure to “clean” daily or apply hand sanitizer as needed.
- cell phones
- computer keyboards
- checkout credit/debit card reader at supermarket
- the remote
- kitchen sponges
- the shifter knob in your vehicle
- refrigerator door handle
- restaurant menus
- adding lemon to your water in restaurants–do you think the waitress has washed her hands???
- bathroom soap dispenser
- purses–think of all the areas you set your purse on
- buttons on atm machines, elevators
- condiment containers
- gas pumps
- the roller brush on your vacuum cleaner–if you vacuum up an area that is contaminated then you continue rolling it all over your floors. Spray the roller bar down at least once a week or more as needed.
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