Monthly Archives: January 2015

Home Economics kitchen ebook



Home Economics Kitchen Skills  includes over 170 pages full of precise, step by step learning in the kitchen as well as over 150 recipes from our personal kitchen.  These are tried and true recipes that we enjoy making. It takes you along  18 weeks worth of learning new skills for one complete semester of school credit.

Read the full review at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

You can click here for a preview of what you will receive.

This book is available for $10 and you can receive it immediately after payment.  Enjoy!!  ***PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE NOT REDIRECTED TO A DOWNLOAD PAGE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY AT


For those wanting a printed copy you can get it    click HERE to purchase KITCHEN SKILLS on Amazon    Be blessed and thank you!!

Should we have limits???

Your staring at the cell phone plans on your computer and trying to decide which one to choose.  The one on the left LIMITS the amount of talk, text, and data that you can have for a SMALLER fee.  The one on the right has an UNLIMITED plan for talk, text, and data but of course for a much HIGHER fee.  Which ones are we more apt to choose?  Is it better to decide on the limited plan for a smaller price or an unlimited for the larger price?

Our world is full of  unlimited measure.  We live in a land of abundance.  For most everything, we can have unlimited access to it.  But what if we chose limits?? How could our life improve?

What if instead of unlimited internet access whenever we wanted, we set a LIMIT and chose 2 hours a day that we were allowed to use it.  Would we have MORE time to spend in God’s word?  Google and Youtube are great online tools but they are NOT going to take us as far as GOD can take us in life.

What if instead of having unlimited access to a kitchen full of any types of food and any time of day we were allowed to eat we set a LIMIT of when we ate and what we ate?  Could setting a specified time each day that we were ONLY allowed to eat, decrease the amount of EXCESS on our waistlines?  What about a step further……what if we ONLY had access to whole foods and we had to PREPARE treats and snacks instead of eating unhealthy packaged ones?  Would our health improve over time?

What if we had to choose that we ONLY went shopping once per month instead of running to the store when we felt we needed.  Would that FORCE us to spend less money and USE up the fragments that we do have.  Would that LIMIT the amount of CLUTTER we brought into our home because we would STOP frivolous spending and buying things we didn’t really need? Would we have less debt and save more because we would USE what it was we had, instead of WASTING it and buying something else?

What if we had to limit the amount of time we sat and watched television?  Would it force us to have time for exercise?  Force us to go outside and enjoy the wonderful nature that the Lord has provided?  GIVE us more time spend with our families creating bonding moments?

What if we set a limit of the amount of tasks we had to complete each day?  What if we had to choose 3 things that NEEDED to get done each day.  Would we be able to focus on them more clearly instead of jumping around trying to complete multiple tasks without ever really getting anything done?

Our limitless world is not always a good thing for us.  We should be thinking about where in our lives that we could set limits.  Just because it is unlimited does not mean it is good.  Choosing to have limits in an unlimited world is something we MUST do.

Which plan will you choose today……… the limited or unlimited plan???

Large family declutter week 3

When you walk into a kitchen the FIRST thing that you notice is the counter tops and if they are cluttered or not.  A home IS NOT homey by having a counter full of things.  There is ABSOLUTELY  no need to have EVERYTHING on your counters.  If you want to declutter your kitchen quickly—-clear off some counter space.  Now this does not mean you should take everything and shove it into a cupboard—NO!!!  You need to find a place for everything.

The insides of your cupboards should be clean as well as your drawers.  The last thing to do is the surface.  There is probably some type of paper clutter in here—-REMOVE it.  If you need to have a spot in here, designate an area for that.

Put appliances AWAY.  It takes only a few extra seconds to take out your appliances to use them.  I use our water kettle all day long, I leave that on my counter top.  I have no toaster, no blender, or no salt and pepper shakers.  Everything is put AWAY.


I do store my large kitchen spoons on the counter in this container.  I find that if they are in my drawers they are more susceptible to getting jammed inside, so I put them in here.  Out of the way, but convenient for me as I am mixing up some meals.


I took a photo of what I use to dry my dishes on now.  I used to have a drying rack BUT it took up so much space on the counter and then I felt it was a pain to keep taking it out for each meal.  I got this XL microfiber drying mat from Walmart for like $6. The BEST investment.  This has minimized the amount of dish towels we use and it absorbs so much water.  I LOVE it.  Well worth the small investment.  I keep 2 in rotation.

I have nothing else to show you for the counter tops.  I have nothing else to obstruct my work, nothing else to have to wipe down each week, nothing else to create more STUFF in my life.  It works best this way.

Clear it off!!!! Find a place for everything, put away all the pretty knicknacks and decorations.  Keep it simple.  Make your life simple.

If you are worried you will miss it, put it in your box to donate and then let it sit.  If you decide in a few weeks that you REALLY want it back, go get it out.

CONGRATULATIONS you are FINISHED with your kitchen.  If you bought the book there is ONE MORE STEP for this room, but we will not do a post on it.  Look for next weeks—the Dining room.

Interested in digging deeper into decluttering your home??  My ebook is available to purchase and covers all these series and more.

new 3d book2

To be joyful

The bible tells us to be JOYFUL and ENJOY our life and what we have.  Some of you might be saying, “yeah right Amy, you don’t know at all what is going on in my life. You don’t know that I ONLY have gotten 3 hours of sleep for the last week, or you don’t even know what type of mess I woke up to today.”

And you are right….I don’t know what types of things have come your way.  But I do know that we ALL go through ups and downs in life.

This is what I woke up to in my kitchen this morning……..


Seems no one knows how to wash dishes after having snacks at night, except me.  No one seems to know where the trash can is except me.  Oh and whoever’s turn it was to put dishes away it seems has slipped their mind………(sigh)

I know that being joyful can be a hard task to come by at times.

I was reading in Psalm 27 today……

In summary it was about David.  David had suffered many hardships in his life.  The amount of things he went through are way more than I will  ever experience in my lifetime.  He was in fear for much of his life that he was going to be killed.  Do I sometimes live in “fear” to feel like I won’t measure up as a wife and mother?  Do I have “fear” that my children are going to be screwed up by my parenting methods?  What did David rely on to get him through his fear?

Only by the power of God

David realized when he put his trust in the Lord that he would “see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living”. This is what kept him going – even when he was hunted like a wild animal.

We need to be enjoying our lives and having JOY instead of walking around in fear or anger or sadness.

What does God say about having JOY in our lives:

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!

Proverbs 15:23

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

 Proverbs 17:22

We have ALL heard the saying….

When Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!!

How true this is for us as mothers, because we set the tone in our home.  If I am in a discouraged, negative mood chances are my children are going to portray a negative spirit as well.  If I am snippy to my husband, he will probably be snippy right back to me.

Our jobs as wives and mothers is to be JOYFUL.  Maybe your husband is neglectful to you and you feel  bitter towards him and all you want from him is to be a better man. Be joyful with your husband—- you make him happy and let God make him good.

Even going through the mundane tasks of life can make it hard to be joyful.  It seems we can get ourselves into a rut if we are not careful. If we tend to be negative and not watch our words, before you know it we can crush our child’s spirit and lay insults to the man we were created to be partners with.

We create the messes that we get ourselves into.

If you have a tendency to “crush” your child or husbands’ spirit ask the Lord how to show you JOY in your life.

You sometimes hear about people FINDING joy, but it is a CHOICE to be joyful.

We can ALL find something to be JOYFUL about.  There is ALWAYS something even little to be THANKFUL for.

There is no pit that is so deep that God’s love isn’t in it.

We choose EVERYDAY who we will serve.  If we believe Him than we have a cause to be JOYFUL.

The JOY of the LORD is my STRENGTH

Nehemiah 8:10

Recognize if you have been spending time with the Lord if you do not have strength to be joyful.

If you are the most joyful person in your home it will have an impact on your child and in your home. Don’t believe me, take God’s word and try it!! It is catchy.

Discouragement and restoration

Has it been one of those days? Maybe weeks?? Maybe months? Possibly your ENTIRE life?? Do you feel like you could just give up sometimes? I know going through the pressures that life can bring can sometimes wreak havoc on your soul. That is why it is SOOOOOO important that we get in touch with the Lord each day.
It isn’t enough to just go to church every Sunday and take that ALONE to feed and nourish your soul. Can you go by eating on Sunday and then letting that hold you through till the next Sunday rolls around? Just as your body needs literal food and water to replenish lost nutrients so does your soul need a continuous stream of life from God.
I have been personally guilty of this in my own life. I just thought I was too busy to take the time to get into God’s word. Yes, I was busy, I had many little ones to constantly take care of, schooling of the older ones, and a household to run. Oh wait, I also had a husband that needed his wife. Seems that I could never take the time to get ALL that I wanted done in a day’s time. I frustrated myself over and over again. Took my “crying” days and days of feeling like I didn’t want to do anything but just snuggle up on the couch and watch movies—to drown out my weariness.
But those days are gone. I don’t feel the need to be sad. I don’t feel the need to think my life is TOO hard. I changed the way I did things by instilling NEW HABITS into my life.
I now make it a habit of waking up each morning and taking my time in the Word. I found a great broadcasting show that comes on each and everyday at the same time. I KNOW that if I do not wake up I will miss my time in the word. I have even stepped it up a little more and decided to go to bed earlier—my old blog time, and get up before my bible time to do my blog. I know that if I DON’T wake up before my bible study show, then I WILL miss out on my blogging time. My blogging time is something I enjoy very much. I look forward to encouraging and sharing what it is God has in our lives to encourage others.
But it all had to start by changing a habit in my life. Yes, it was hard waking up at 5 each morning. But was it impossible? No it just took the habit of doing it over and over again. If I do sleep in, I miss the opportunity to do my writing and that usually encourages me even more to get up the next day.
We are all motivated by our successes in life. What drives you? What is it that you enjoy doing? Finding what you do enjoy and make time to do it is important.

There is always a way, we just need to adjust our old habits and make some new ones.

What we need is a RESTORATION of our soul. We need to be built back up from the inside out. It doesn’t help to start working backwards. We need to get into the Word and let God work on us from the inside so that the outside of us can get fixed. If we are getting in the Word each day, Our bodies are eventually NOT going to feel like they need to take days or weeks off from “reality” because life is too hard to cope with.
I love Psalm 23 and used to have it on our bathroom walls which I could read each day. I used to think it dealt with death because they use it at every funeral I have ever attended. But I got a new vision for what it means.
Living in the mountains, I enjoy being out in the morning when the sun is just starting to peak up over the mountain tops. It is a beautiful sight to behold. It starts out all dark and then as the light starts to come up over the peak, the LIGHT starts to fill in on the darkness. You get to see the true beauty of the mountain tops and all its glory.
Think of these verses as you are a sheep in life. Having your shepherd lead you along this rocky path of life.  You are tired and hungry walking among all the rocks and crevices which are the bumps of life trying to reach the top of the mountaintop. He is constantly in charge so you have no fear of wolves coming to attack you.  You just carry on letting Him lead.    Suddenly you come up over the side of the mountain and you look out over the horizon and see the sun shining among all the grass.  You made it, you are NOW able to lie down and rest on all this wonderful grass.  You eat from this bountiful feast and drink from the cool water.

The struggles of our daily life can be hard, know that you can take comfort in your shepherd who is leading you.

Psalm 23

 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
 I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me  in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.