Monthly Archives: October 2014

Fall book list updated

There was a time in my homeschooling “career” that I DID NOT read any books to my little children.  I know *gasp*  horrible, horrible homeschooling mom:)  It was during a time in my life that just getting through our daily routine was enough for me.  But now, my life has become much easier.

My children enjoy our reading time and my older ones that didn’t get the reading time when they were little are beginning to read at a young age and quiet well.  So I know that they didn’t miss out. To the moms of many little ones out there, stop worrying that  your older ones will be “less smart” because you are not able to devote early age schooling.  They will turn out fine.

We usually sit during lunch time or after and read about 5-7 books at a time.  These have been fine to read to our preschooler on up to the 9 year old.  Even the 14 year old will sit and listen some of the time.

Here are some we have enjoyed……. many pumpkins by Linda White

**please note, there is a jack o lantern reference in this book.  My children do not partake in Halloween to any extent, in this book the woman carves pumpkins and places a light in them, to light a path to her home.  My children didn’t really ask or think much about the carved pumpkins except that the woman used them as a lighted path to find the “party.”  Wanted to note this so that maybe you would view the book before you read it to your children to see if that is something your family would like to be exposed to.,204,203,200_.jpgFall leaves fall

Front CoverWhy do leaves change color by Betsey Maestro

This is a good informational book to explain about the leaf process.

Front CoverThe Pumpkin Runner Mr. Scarecrow Man

Leaf Jumpers

Apple Cider Making Days

The apple Pie tree Applesauce Season Friend for all Seasons has a story to tell,204,203,200_.jpgEarl the squirrel mixed up

**note some halloween reference pages, we just skipped them

Front CoverHello, squirrel

Front CoverHooray for fall

Front CoverMaple syrup season

Front CoverNuts to you

Front CoverRed leaf, yellow leaf
Front CoverTen red apples
Front CoverThe scarecrow dance

**this is a great book that references God in it:)

Front CoverTuckers apple dandy day

Front CoverThe stranger

Front CoverApples, apples, apples

Do you have any other fall related books to add to the list?

My frugal accomplishments for the week #5

frugalAfter last weeks busy week, I looked forward to a lower key week this week.  It was a nice week to catch up on some things.
We finally have made our homemade peanut butter.  As we have tried to simplify our food and get rid of anything processed, peanut butter stayed as something that we bought.  I had no excuse for not making it, I just didn’t.

IMG_20141001_110644After making peanut butter and honey sandwiches for the children with this, they absolutely love it.

IMG_20141001_110001It is very simple, I poured a container of unsalted peanuts into my food processor.
I then turned it on and let it go.  At first, it just made finely granulated peanuts, but as time went on it looked like peanut butter.



IMG_20141001_110357I added 1 tsp of sea salt into the mix as it was mixing and it tastes wonderful.  To me, it taste like eating a peanut butter cup because it has that “real” peanut taste. My children just think it taste like a real nut.

I was able to finish up my sauerkraut.  Some jars finished after 5 days and then some lasted for about a week.  I just scooped down into the middle of the jar and took out a fork full of kraut. When it tasted done, I put that jar into bags and placed into the freezer.

IMG_20140930_143312A few of my jars, I knew tasted badly.  I let them sit and the taste got worse.  I believe it was due to not having the sauerkraut completely covered with water thus allowing bad bacteria to grow.

IMG_20140930_142653But I am extremely happy of how the good ones did turn out.  We served some with sausage this week and it was so good.  I will definitely make more when we run out.IMG_20140930_142647I also had purchased all of my apples last week and was glad that I could just leave them in the basement.  I thought we would take a few bushels and make some sauce with them.

IMG_20140930_142128I was glad to have my children help me make it.  It was easy to wake up and start some pots cooking in the morning and just let them simmer on low until we were able to make it into sauce.

We used Fuji apples this year and the sauce turned out with a brown tint.  It tastes fine without sugar but it just doesn’t look as pretty.  We put our sauce into plastic baggies and then freeze them.  My children enjoy partially frozen sauce.

IMG_20140930_142143We have been being frugal with the amount of driving that we do.  As I drive a 15 passenger van, it can cost us a lot to go to town more than once per week. This week I had to do some running in town so I planned on doing that and taking a trip with a friend to our local nature center.

We had a wonderful time walking through lots of beautiful trails throughout the woods and getting to learn things from the nature center building.  A very good educational trip and the best part was it was FREE.

We continue to watch our lights and we haven’t had to use any heat yet.  It has been very  nice to enjoy a lower electric bill before those winter months come and the bills go up.

Any frugal accomplishments for you?

Large family schooling….how our first month is going


IMG_20140924_115009It has been one month that we started on our new school year.  I will have to admit that this year has been by far the easiest that I have had as far as homeschooling goes.  Normally I have a nursing baby, a busy toddler, and preschoolers that will not stay occupied.  This year it is just working out that the little ones play nicely together while I do school with the older ones, makes for an easy day.IMG_20140930_101145We typically have breakfast and then the children follow their charts for personal care.

Download (PDF, 153KB)

We then do the chores checklist chart and when it is finished, we start school.

Download (PDF, 135KB)

IMG_20141003_104756We then meet at the dining room table and I sit on the end and help the 1st and 2nd grader do the papers they need help with.IMG_20140930_101103

My middle aged boy sometimes does part of his school in the living room, while I am helping the little girls.  He will join us when we do our group part.

We finished up our devotion book of Leading Little Ones to God.   We started it last year and did not finish it. My goal was to begin the year with that and go onto our Miller story books.  The first book we are doing is  Prudence and the Millers.  I bought the workbooks to go with it and we enjoy having that extra part to add to each story.  We typically read one chapter per day and then discuss the topic.

We have about 5-7 print offs for each child that we do along with their writing journals. The print off pages include a page for math, spelling, grammar, reading, and 3 misc pages.  All that I have taken from the internet, it didn’t cost me a thing.   Then we take the time to do reading.  The girls are doing the Hooked on Phonics 1st grade program.  I got it from our library.  IMG_20140924_115016The little girls are also doing a lapbook each month.  We are reading the Little House on the Prairie series.  We finished book 1 Little House in the Big Woods and this is the lapbook we made from it.

IMG_20141001_135552 IMG_20141001_135526

This was a great lap book because for each chapter that we read the girls could do a piece that was about that chapter.  It helped reinforce what we read.

Our middle aged boy did 2 lap books this past month. His were on ducks and chickens.

IMG_20140930_120738We were able to get books from our library that went with this study.  Very easy to read and simple but filled with lots of information.


We have chickens and ducks, but were still very informed with what we learned.IMG_20140930_120752

We found this great site that lists tons of lapbooks.  I went through and picked out enough for my son to complete for the year.  My girls are doing the little house ones.  I have bookmarked this site for future reference as we love it.


About the only interruptions that we have are little ones that come up and want to color a picture.  I have a bucket of crayons and some coloring pages left out for when they want to join us during school time.  IMG_20141003_104744

We have had many activities, appointments, and things that have filled our calendar this past month.  I am thankful that when I set up my schedule, I scheduled at least one day a week light so that when I was extra busy, I allowed myself that one day to catch up.

We typically read our Miller story book and Little house on the Prairie each day but on Fridays I do not. This allows me to make up any reading we missed earlier in the week.  Also I make our daily reading light.  Only 1 chapter per day and 1 story from the Millers.  This has allowed an easy school day.

The children’s work is mainly worksheets and their writing journal.  This allows them to work on their own to some extent if I can’t get to the table due to other obligations.

I also order lots of books from our library each week.  The girls have beginning chapter books that they can choose to read each day.  I also sit with all the little ones and read books that I ordered.  I typically will go through 5-10 books each day.

I like to choose books that go with the season.  Right now we have ordered fall books.  Click here for a list of ones we have borrowed.

After we finish up our schooling, it is usually lunch time.  The afternoon is left for finishing up any pages not done and our reading and video learning time.  Makes for an easy day.

My high schooler is doing all of her own school during this time.  She will come and take some breaks during the day.  Right now she is doing our Advanced Home Economics course.  This month she is in charge of making lunch each day, that is a nice help for me as that is a busy time.  Her schooling takes longer as she is focusing on being finished this year and has packed her schedule.

The afternoon is filled with making dinner and doing whatever tasks I have to complete that day.  After the children are in bed, I do some work on my blog.  Then it is lights out for me.

Wake up and do it again.

large family natural health series #2

health by Praisaeng

With the cooler weather coming, that means  long gone are the days of leaving our windows open for fresh air to sweep through.  It also means that we will be indoors more as a family.  When you get a lot of people indoors you share more germs.  With sharing of germs that usually means that a sickness will occur.

Most of the years, we seem to get by with just the normal colds.  About every 3 years it seems we get hit with the flu type sickness.  With a house full of people being sick at the same time it can make for one weary momma.

What is a mom to do to help prevent this type of sickness?  Feed her family a good, healthy, whole foods diet with a minimal amount of processed foods.  Plenty of Vitamin C in their smoothies and if all else fails and you get it, be prepared with some elderberry flu syrup.


Studies have found that elderberry eases flu symptoms like fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough, and body ache. The benefits seem to be greatest when started within 24 to 48 hours after the symptoms begin.

I was able to get some fresh elderberries from a friend who has an herb garden. I sat outdoors with my girls and pulled the berries from the branches.  I saved 1 cup to make my flu syrup and I dried 1 cup to save for my second batch of the season.

IMG_20140925_130323I put them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and dried them in my oven on the lowest temperature.  I saved these in a plastic container in the freezer for another time.

For elderberry flu syrup you will need:

  • 1 cup fresh elderberries or 1/2 cup dried
  • 1 inch piece fresh ginger root
  • 3 cups water
  • 1/8 tsp cloves
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

IMG_20140925_130528Place all ingredients into a small saucepan.

Why ginger root?IMG_20140925_124750Ginger can relieve nausea and vomiting because of its ability to disrupt and expel gas in the intestine.

To prepare your ginger root, use a potato peeler and peel off the outside and cut into chunks.

Mash and simmer all for half an hour.

IMG_20140925_130615When finished simmering, strain into a bowl and add 1 cup of  honey.


Place in a quart sized jar and refrigerate.

Will stay good for  3 months.  Save your dried elderberries to make this for the second half of the winter season.


For flu prevention take 2-3 Tbsp daily.  If flu has already started increase dosage and it will help lessen the effects of the flu.


Putting LIFE into perspective

Ever have one of those days where you just feel like you could just  crawl right under a rock and wish the world would leave you alone?

  • Maybe your children have been whining and fighting all day.
  • Maybe your husband just came home and let you know he was being laid off.
  • Maybe you have been looking at your pantry and wondering just how you were going to make ends meet this week with nothing to eat.
  • Maybe you have been encouraging a friend who is going through a divorce or one that is dealing with cancer.
  • Maybe you are just sitting looking at your own life and wondering why me.

It is so easy to sit and question God.  “Why God, do you give me this lot in life?”  “Why must I endure such hardships and trials?”  “Aren’t I good enough and worthy enough of your grace to not go through these?”

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.    Romans 5:2-5

What we NEED to be telling ourselves is “Yes, why not us!”

If we just took our eyes off of our current situation for one moment and started focusing on God we could start putting things into perspective.  Our lives seem to revolve around this little box that we put ourselves in.  I know that my trials in life may be very different from someone else’s trials and on some days I may THINK that I have got life REALLY bad.  But if I would take my focus off of my situation for one moment and start realizing that my little problems aren’t really that big at all.

I was sitting one night, after midnight painting princesses onto wooden dolls for my daughters birthday the next day.  Me, not being highly artistic was getting frustrated with my outcome.  I received a text from a friend who was sharing the different trials that were going on in her life and suddenly my “problems” of trying to paint princess faces were so small compared to what was going on elsewhere in the world.

Did you know that right now:

  • A child lays awake listening for gun shots and bombs in the air.
  • A child feels pains of hunger as they try and fall asleep..
  • There is a 4 year old child  being taken from her mother and  is being sold into human trafficking for someone’s finance gain.
  • A mother is mixing up lard and dirt to feed her children for dinner because there is nothing else.
  • A baby dies at the hands of a doctor through abortion because it was considered an “inconvenience” to one.
  • A child is thirsty and cannot get a drink because of someone’s greed.
  • In China, a mother is dealing with the guilt of throwing her newborn infant girl into a trash bin alive because of government laws on number of children.
  • A child feels shame because they are being abused sexually by an adult that is supposed to protect them

Our world is wrong.  People are messed up.  Bad, horrific things are going on all around us and here I sit frustrated about painting my princesses.  That is wrong.

In reality….my problems are NOTHING when compared with someone else’s.  There is always someone who has things worse than we do.  When you can start putting into perspective some of the “problems” in your life, life doesn’t seem very bad at all.

For most of us, before we go to bed, we will be able to get a clean drink of water.  Our stomachs will have some sort of food in them and our children will lay inside a house with warm blankets to keep away the cold.  Maybe we will lay in bed with worry and concerns about what tomorrow will bring but after closing our eyes we will wake up to a new day.

We need to remember that the Lord will never meet ALL of your  expectations. But He is always in control, and He does all things well. Consequently, when you are going through the dark night, remember: It’s not the end. It’s only the beginning. As high as God is going to elevate you is as deep as he digs to lay the foundation.

Our Lord is a God of restoration. He takes away the first to establish the second. And the second is always better. When trials are coming, as they do remember to get behind the eyes of the Lord.  Look at how He works.  It is in the hidden hours of the night that God does his deepest work of transformation. The night, the evening, and the darkness are all promises of a new day. If you can hold this in your heart, it will change your life.

Don’t dwell on your problems start putting life into perspective.  Remember our problems are about as big as painting princesses.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.  1 Peter 5:10

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.  James 1:12