The Fruit of the Spirit for a stay at home Mom


 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Galatians 5:22-23

If we are to have “fruit” to show that our spirits are lined up with God’s in our walk, how does that identify with me, a stay at home mom?  It seems like I can’t have all these traits when I am just being with my little ones all day.  Here is what having “fruit” in my life would mean……


I have been up since 4 am taking care of the children, it is now 9 o clock pm and I am tired.  I look forward to laying down for some peace and quiet before my eyes droop shut.  When my husband asks me for some popcorn and a drink, if I can rise to my tired feet and gladly bring it with a smile….that is LOVE.


After finally getting the children to lie down for the evening after a long tiring day, the house is finally quiet.  The baby was needing to be cuddle all day, the toddler wanted to be held and the preschooler was getting into mischief.  Then Dad walks in the door late from work, announces that he is home and this brings little feet running out of their rooms.  Big smiles and happy laughs erupt from the little ones.  If in my heart I can see the joy that their Daddy bring to them, instead of focusing on how much work it is going to be to put them back into bed….This is JOY


At a low point in motherhood, loneliness presses in on me.  I feel like the cloud of doom is pressing in on me and I just want to get out.   I long to be able to visit with my good friends for some adult time.  Time when I don’t have to be “mom.”  When I see the neighbor comes over and my husband can sit outside and talk with him for over an hour without any interruptions.  If I can be truly glad that my husband gets to encourage and be encouraged by another person without feeling the jealously that I wish I could do that, ….that is PEACE.


I have been waiting all week for my husband to be able to fix the broken sink.  I have been doing dishes in our bathtub.  He has been working long hours and he finally has some time to do it.  When his Dad calls and asks if he can come over and help him right then, and in my heart I can avoid being resentful.  I know he won’t be able to get to it until next week, then this is LONGSUFFERING.


After a full day’s work for my husband, and he comes in exhausted and stretches out for a little rest. If I can remove his shoes without him waking, give him some covers, and take the children to another part of the home to keep them quiet.  Even though that will mean more work for me to try and keep 4 little ones quiet, then this is GENTLENESS.


Even though we are both working around the clock doing our different jobs, if I can take the time to write him a love note to put into his lunch…….and make it a point to tidy myself up before he walks in the door and give him a nice big hug and kiss….this is GOODNESS.


If I can trust and believe that God does hear my prayers for help in guidance and teaching of my little ones each day, even though Dad is gone most of the time trying to earn a living for us…..this is my FAITH that God will help me.


If when my husband notices where I can use some improvement in my life and gently admonishes me to try and better myself, and if I can receive his advice humbly without offense.  Then take what he said and try and work at it to do better….than this is MEEKNESS.


When the evening hour rolls around and I am mentally deciding which task I should do to help prepare for my long, busy day tomorrow,and my husband suggests that we all take a quick trip to the park to walk. Even though, it may be a little more work, if I can gladly go without mentioning all the things that “I” need to get done and recognize that this would be best for the family as we can build memories together, then this is TEMPERANCE.

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