Breakfast for a good start to your day

Breakfast has been called “the most important meal of the day.”  A healthy breakfast refuels your body and helps you function at your peak. Research shows that eating a healthy breakfast improves attention, concentration, academic achievement and physical energy.

Start your day off right with a healthy, nutritious breakfast for optimum mental and physical wellness.  After a night of sleep, stomachs are empty and blood sugar is low.    A healthy breakfast should provide complex carbohydrates, protein and a little fat, because this combination will hold off hunger for hours.

Breakfast is the #1 most skipped meal of the day.  There are many reasons people skip this meal, most are excuses.  They may sleep too late, may not feel hungry in the morning, want to lose weight or they might not like the “traditional breakfast foods.”  But those are just “excuses,” none are good reasons to skip breakfast.

If you tend to push the snooze button too often in the morning, there are things you can do to avoid running out of the house without breakfast.  You can eat a banana, granola bar, or some peanut butter on toast while you are driving in the car.

You can use your new skills with the blender and make a smoothie to take and drink while on your way.  Do a google recipe search.  There are hundreds of different kinds of smoothies that will fit your taste buds.

No time to cook eggs in the morning, hard boil some and then chop up and set on a piece of toast with some shredded cheese.  This is one of the easiest ways I usually get my protein in for the day.

Dieters rarely lose weight by skipping out on breakfast.  By mid-morning they are usually starving and will tend to overeat at the next meal.  You are better to eat a bowl of oatmeal or grab some fresh fruit like a banana.

If you do not feel like eating because you are not accustomed to eating, force yourself to start with something.  It may be as simple as a glass of milk or a banana.  Then the next week add a muffin, bagel, or slice of toast.  The following week try adding an egg, or maybe some french toast.  You will be surprised at how much better you feel when you do eat breakfast.


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