Daily Archives: 04/10/2015

Becoming a daughter of devotion at any age

What do you think is the best way to get to know someone? Hopefully you answered…by spending time with them. Do you know that the best way to have a good relationship with God is by spending time with Him each day? Sounds simple enough right? How would you feel if you knew that your friends deliberately ignored your texts or messages? Would you be able to turn to them in times of need and encouragement? Would you feel betrayed or used if the only times they talked was when they needed something? If the Lord is supposed to be number 1 in our life, we should be placing a big priority on the amount of time that we spend with Him. We shouldn’t ignore his “texts and messages”. How true is that so many of us get to wrapped up in our own busyness of life and forget to take the time each day to spend with the One who will help guide our steps each day.
You should work on making it a priority NOW in your  life to establish a quiet time with the Lord each day. The better you are to begin working oninstilling habits, you will be more likely to carry them out for the rest of your life.  You will be far better off than the person who never tried at all. Make it a point to spend some time reading scripture, praying, and then journaling about what God speaks to you.
I know that there are times in your life, when it gets busy or this looks more like a “chore” than an opportunity to get to know Him. Every time you open your bible you should expect and anticipate getting to know more about God.
Opportunities will come to those that desire them.
Those that don’t look for them, usually miss them. Expect that God will speak to you during your quiet time. Look for a time and establish that time NOW. Don’t think that “one day” you will take the time for God, why wait? God wants to use you now, today.   He has so many great things planned for your life, if you just think that He can’t use you until you are in a better season in life, you will be missing out on some great things.
Make Jesus a priority in your life. Don’t just turn to Him when you think about it, or when things go bad. Make prayer and reading His word a daily habit. These should become things that are naturally a part of your life and that you enjoy doing. Remember that you don’t have to pray with big words and fancy language. God wants to hear you in plain everyday language. Just as you would talk with your father or friend, God is the same way. Talk to Him and turn to Him with all of your concerns and problems. Be reminded to thank Him for the things He has blessed you with as well.

Our old pastor encouraged us to speak out 5 things we were thankful for each day. It is a good reminder that everyday things are really a blessing from the Lord and we should not take them for granted.
Practical application:
I encourage you to start a prayer journal. After reading a certain scripture, start writing out what it means to you. Write out a letter of praise, thanksgiving, and any doubts, fears, or problems that you want to hand over to the Lord. You can even write down the 5 things you are thankful for each day. Keep this going each and every day. As you grow and mature in the Lord, these will serve as beautiful reminder of your quiet times with the Lord.
Another great way to be reminded to read the scriptures is to find an accountability friend. Choose a friend or a few friends and start a simple bible study group. It doesn’t have to be big and fancy. Commit yourselves to just selecting a chapter and begin reading. Get together or talk on the phone and share what you read and how God spoke to you during those scriptures. Make it a time that is committed to keeping each other accountable.
A simple suggestion is to find a bible plan that reads the bible in one year’s time. Simple, and easy. Keep yourself accountable.

This is taken from Home Economics series Homemaking Skills, my second book due to come out in a couple of months.  You can buy my first one on Amazon by clicking here.  Or you can buying it as a direct PDF download here.  Thanks for the support, and be blessed this weekend.