Daily Archives: 03/19/2015

Total Body Makeover part 3 renewing of our minds


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

Have you ever stopped to think what kinds of thoughts are running through your mind? Do you stress and worry about the unknown? Do you doubt your ability as a Mother to parent your child? Do you question yourself as to what your purpose and plan for life is? Do you ever think, why???

Our minds are a very precious part of our life.  Did you know that ONLY you can change the way that you think about things? ONLY you can allow thoughts to take control over your mindset.  We need to be careful as our thoughts will determine our attitude and our perspectives in life.  We want our minds to be sound.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Have you ever heard the saying, “whatever you think you will become?”  That stands true in our own lives.  Most of our problems in life have to do with our negative, critical, judgmental, offensive, and suspicious mindset.  Just because those thoughts enter into your mind, does not mean that you have to accept them and believe them.  As soon as a negative thing hits our minds, we should immediately give it over to God.  Don’t even mull it over for a second.  Once you start questioning and thinking about those negative thoughts, Satan has you.  He will use it to twist things, make you feel like the world is against you, and put you right where he wants you, away from Gods goodness.

The greatest enemy to renewal is conformity to the patterns of the world.  When people provoke us we are not to lose our cool. We are not to be boastful, argumentative or rude when we are criticized. We are to not  complain when we do not get our way. We are to not prematurely write people off because they do not measure up to our standards. We are to keep our mindset to that of Christ.  Think and ask yourself, “what is it that God would have me do,”  when faced with a situation.

If we want this Total Body Makeover then we need to start by doing something different—transforming our minds.  Start thinking differently.  Yes it will be hard.  Yes you will be tested.  Yes you will mess up and have to start over again.  But it is worth it.  You have to persevere and overcome the darkness so that you can walk in the light.

And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,

Ephesians 4:23

What is the best way to renew our minds?  With the Word of God.  That way we can think like He thinks and experience His good plan for our lives.  It is the only way.  When we take the time to study Gods’ Word, it begins to renew our minds with the truth.   It sets us in a new direction.  It let’s us know that we can have victory in life with the help of Jesus.  As you begin to do this it will gradually transform your mind.  It will put away any former instinct thoughts and renew it with a positive perspective and attitude towards life.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

This is one of the first verses that my children learn.  We quote it over and over as soon as they start to complain about things.  But what about us as adults?  How much do we start to deny and complain about our own life?  We have to realize the magnitude of how much we need God everyday in our lives.  We cannot lose sight of that.  Once we get our minds off of God and focused on our own pursuits, our own desires, our own motives, that is when things fall apart.  Life gets stressful, things don’t work out, we get angry, we get overwhelmed, and we start to question our abilities.  We have to know that God WILL equip us with whatever we need in life, BUT we have to keep ourselves lined up with Him.  We have to keep our mindsets focused on Him, not allowing it to conform to the world in any way.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

God has a great plan for your life.  But if we don’t start to see ourselves the way that God sees us, then we are not going to be able to do what He has called us to do. God tells us what it is we are to THINK about.We need to learn to agree with God and BELIEVE His word.

 This will go beyond what we think and feel.  Our flesh gets hurt, it gets offended easily.  But if we trust God to take care of things outside of our control then we have no need of worry to things of this world.  When things come your way and you want to take offense, immediately say that this is not for you.  Give it to God, let Him deal with the problem.  The battle is not ours, God has already told us that He has won.  Why are we worrying and mulling over things that should not concern us?  We need to take it and believe it in faith and God will bring it to pass.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Colossians 3:2

Replace what is fleshy with what is God’s word.  Paul said to put away anger, jealously, wrath, slander, and clamor and put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  We need to learn how to replace whatever is prompted by our fleshy tendencies with the Holy Spirit controlled scriptural principles.  We can only do this by allowing God’s word to dwell in us.

Our minds are a powerful tool used in our life.  It can either make or break you.  It will define the type of person that you become.  We want to strive to be like Jesus.  We can only do that by taking each day and spending time with Him and meditating on the power that can ONLY come through studying scriptures and hearing His voice.  Start each day before you check your phone and say, “Lord I am expecting big things today and I can handle whatever life brings me because I have strength for all things in you.”

Keep your mindsets pure and on track with God.

 part 4 having clean hands