Monthly Archives: March 2015

Are you walking in the wilderness?


It has been a while since I have regularly posted on here.  God took me through a series of events that led me to not be able to get up and work like I normally have done on here. I have had a house full of sick children, then the following week I got attacked with some strange sickness that led me to be the most unmotivated I have ever been in my entire life.  It took me through 3 weeks of not feeling like myself.    It was a strange time, I call it my mountain disease (smile).  I went through much resting, much time reflecting upon things, much time in the Word, and much time thinking about what I was to write.  and  nothing came.  I literally pulled out my laptop numerous times, just to stare at a blank screen.  It was a new thing for me, what do I do?  As I sat this morning  doing my devotions, it came to me…….I was in the wilderness.

When Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan was tempting him with physical things.  But Jesus didn’t crumble.  He knew they were just physical things.  He knew in Whom his strength was.  When He came out of the wilderness He was a much stronger person spiritually. Why? Because His focus wasn’t on the physical, it was on the spiritual.

When we go through the lonely times in our lives, those can be some of the best times.  When we first moved here, I know myself it was a strange thing to not really know anyone, and I felt so quiet and alone.  My children did as well.  As we talked about these things, I said “well, this is the time for us not to sit around and have a pity party.  These are the times that we need to stay in the Word and spend our “extra” time with God.  God is just preparing us for a season.  He has great things planned, let’s just take this opportunity and be prepared for what is coming next.”   So we did, we got in the Word more, and spent more time with Him.  My daughter shared some visions that God had given to her.  I was encouraged to know that she was seeking Him during that time.  For myself, God gave me that feeling of anticipation and I had better get ready.  It was an unexplainable excitement and joy welling up in my spirit.  It encouraged me.

When we are going through that wilderness or lonely time, instead of focusing on what is going on on the outside of it, start shifting your attention to the inside.  Don’t look around and think everyone has left you, or that things are just going bad, start looking at the good in your life.  Focus on what God has done, instead of what He hasn’t done.

During lonely times or wilderness times our minds are better focused.  We don’t have all the “stuff” that normal bogs down our minds on any given day.  We are able to focus more clearly and look at things more intently.  We are able to study and read God’s word with a clearer process.  When it is silent, it is easier to hear His words.

These are times to help clarify our goals in life.  What is our purpose?  What is it we are doing here on earth?  What is it that God has for us?  What strengths has He given to us, that we are not using?  Reflect and think about refocusing what is is you need to be doing.

We need to be clear about our missions in life.  What is it that God has called you to be?  You have to KNOW and be CLEAR about what it is you are to do.  We have the power within to shape our destiny.  That power comes ONLY from God.  Whatever you say out of your mouth, you will produce.  If you are negative about your children or your husband, then I can guess that that is what is going to happen within your home.  Be clear and stay focused on your job and completing what it is God has for you.  Don’t be sidetracked.  When things start to go bad, don’t fall into temptation to react negatively, think of your goal and react positively.

You have to know what you want out of life.  No matter what your situation is in life, what is it that you want?  Does your life seem a mess?  Do you feel like the odds are against you in everything that you do? First you have to know in whom you believe.  I know I serve and believe in a God who can do ALL things.  Not just some things but ALL things.   Praise God, that He opens up things that I never thought could happen.  I believe that He would be faithful and He is.

We all shape our own futures. Not in the sense that we are the masters, only God can do that.  But we shape our futures by how we react to things.  We are building the plans for our life.  When things go bad and we want to get irritated we think that we have to fix this. We think that all these burdens are for us to fix.  But we have to know that the Lord takes care of us.  He hears all of our prayers.  Even when we might not see them happen right now, He is faithful to do as He says.  He loves us, He promises to take care of things.  But we need to uphold our promises to God.  God says to cast all our worries on Him.  He says that in everything we do, do as unto the Lord.  Are we acting in our day to day activities as “unto the Lord?”  Are we fighting with our husbands?  Are we controlling them?  Are we yelling at our children? Are we upholding our promises that we are supposed to make to God?

Lonely wilderness times are  good times to reflect and think about what it is we are doing.  These are some good times to get our focus off of ourselves and onto God.  Get out of the pity party, it isn’t about you. We are meant to show the world about how great God is. We are supposed to be reflecting His goodness and ALL things great about Him.  Are we doing that, or are we acting defeated in our lives? When you are in that wilderness, ask God what it is He has for you.  Focus your attention on Him, get it off of you.  Our lives are meant to glorify Him.

Embrace the quiet………..walk through your wilderness…………enjoy the beauty that God has in it………………and let God speak to you.

Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev at

My new favorite breakfast food — chocolate granola

IMG_20150305_075420I have never been a huge fan of breakfast foods, I just don’t care for them.  When I embarked on losing weight, I decided to eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast each day.  I didn’t particularly care for it, just knew it was good for me.  It would fill me up enough that I wasn’t hungry until lunchtime most days.  It worked.

Then I was talking to my friend and she said she makes chocolate granola.  I thought chocolate granola??  Is that even healthy to eat for breakfast? (smile)  After looking through the ingredients and realizing what went into the granola, I knew it was a good healthy choice and something I wanted to try.

I am sure glad that I did!! This has become my most favorite breakfast foods of all time!!! I started out by eating it with some cut up fruit.  I diced up some apples, bananas, and added cranberries.  It was yummy.   No milk, I like mine plain.  The other children like it with milk and say it tastes like chocolate cereal.  That will work.

It is very easy to make and economical too.  You can substitute most of the ingredients for whatever you have on hand.


  • 8 cups oatmeal
  • 2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 1 cup flax seeds
  • 2 cup chopped nuts –I use pecans
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  • 2/3  cup melted coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup brown or raw sugar or honey
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips–just for added yum!

In a small pot melt the coconut oil.  Add the cocoa powder, syrup, and sugar.  Mix well, remove from heat, and add the extract.  In a large bowl combine the oats, flax seeds, coconut, and nuts.  Pour the chocolate mixture over the oats and mix thoroughly.  Keep stirring until well combined.

IMG_20150319_160004  Place on 2 large cookie sheets and put in the oven on 325 for about 15 minutes.  Carefully stir the granola and bake 15 more minutes.  It will start to brown and then you know it is done.  Take it out and let it sit for a few moments.

IMG_20150319_160012  When almost cooled, sprinkle in the chocolate chips and stir carefully.  This will allow them to melt just a tad.  Let cool completely and then store in an airtight container.

This would be great over top of yogurt too!!! Enjoy!  IMG_20150305_075414

Home Economics Kitchen Skills available for sale on Amazon

THUMBNAIL_IMAGEYou can now get a printed physical copy of my Home Economics Kitchen Skills book from Amazon. Click here

Home Economics Kitchen Skills is an easy and precise way to help train up your daughters in the art of cooking. It is presented in weekly format and gives you all of the information and tools necessary to teach for one semester of school. It begins with the basics and builds upon each skill with new levels of learning. It includes over 170 personal favorite recipes from the authors large family kitchen. It is meant to equip your daughters to give them purpose and know-how in the home. Everyone needs to eat, but not everyone is skilled in cooking. This book will give you a foundation in learning how to prepare nutritious and delicious meals.

You can still get it in ebook form from my blog here, but for those who want a printed copy, I would suggest ordering it from Amazon.

I am working hard at getting the next one finished in time for the coming school year.

Be blessed and thank you.  Amy

Total Body Makeover part 3 renewing of our minds


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

Have you ever stopped to think what kinds of thoughts are running through your mind? Do you stress and worry about the unknown? Do you doubt your ability as a Mother to parent your child? Do you question yourself as to what your purpose and plan for life is? Do you ever think, why???

Our minds are a very precious part of our life.  Did you know that ONLY you can change the way that you think about things? ONLY you can allow thoughts to take control over your mindset.  We need to be careful as our thoughts will determine our attitude and our perspectives in life.  We want our minds to be sound.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Have you ever heard the saying, “whatever you think you will become?”  That stands true in our own lives.  Most of our problems in life have to do with our negative, critical, judgmental, offensive, and suspicious mindset.  Just because those thoughts enter into your mind, does not mean that you have to accept them and believe them.  As soon as a negative thing hits our minds, we should immediately give it over to God.  Don’t even mull it over for a second.  Once you start questioning and thinking about those negative thoughts, Satan has you.  He will use it to twist things, make you feel like the world is against you, and put you right where he wants you, away from Gods goodness.

The greatest enemy to renewal is conformity to the patterns of the world.  When people provoke us we are not to lose our cool. We are not to be boastful, argumentative or rude when we are criticized. We are to not  complain when we do not get our way. We are to not prematurely write people off because they do not measure up to our standards. We are to keep our mindset to that of Christ.  Think and ask yourself, “what is it that God would have me do,”  when faced with a situation.

If we want this Total Body Makeover then we need to start by doing something different—transforming our minds.  Start thinking differently.  Yes it will be hard.  Yes you will be tested.  Yes you will mess up and have to start over again.  But it is worth it.  You have to persevere and overcome the darkness so that you can walk in the light.

And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,

Ephesians 4:23

What is the best way to renew our minds?  With the Word of God.  That way we can think like He thinks and experience His good plan for our lives.  It is the only way.  When we take the time to study Gods’ Word, it begins to renew our minds with the truth.   It sets us in a new direction.  It let’s us know that we can have victory in life with the help of Jesus.  As you begin to do this it will gradually transform your mind.  It will put away any former instinct thoughts and renew it with a positive perspective and attitude towards life.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

This is one of the first verses that my children learn.  We quote it over and over as soon as they start to complain about things.  But what about us as adults?  How much do we start to deny and complain about our own life?  We have to realize the magnitude of how much we need God everyday in our lives.  We cannot lose sight of that.  Once we get our minds off of God and focused on our own pursuits, our own desires, our own motives, that is when things fall apart.  Life gets stressful, things don’t work out, we get angry, we get overwhelmed, and we start to question our abilities.  We have to know that God WILL equip us with whatever we need in life, BUT we have to keep ourselves lined up with Him.  We have to keep our mindsets focused on Him, not allowing it to conform to the world in any way.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

God has a great plan for your life.  But if we don’t start to see ourselves the way that God sees us, then we are not going to be able to do what He has called us to do. God tells us what it is we are to THINK about.We need to learn to agree with God and BELIEVE His word.

 This will go beyond what we think and feel.  Our flesh gets hurt, it gets offended easily.  But if we trust God to take care of things outside of our control then we have no need of worry to things of this world.  When things come your way and you want to take offense, immediately say that this is not for you.  Give it to God, let Him deal with the problem.  The battle is not ours, God has already told us that He has won.  Why are we worrying and mulling over things that should not concern us?  We need to take it and believe it in faith and God will bring it to pass.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

Colossians 3:2

Replace what is fleshy with what is God’s word.  Paul said to put away anger, jealously, wrath, slander, and clamor and put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  We need to learn how to replace whatever is prompted by our fleshy tendencies with the Holy Spirit controlled scriptural principles.  We can only do this by allowing God’s word to dwell in us.

Our minds are a powerful tool used in our life.  It can either make or break you.  It will define the type of person that you become.  We want to strive to be like Jesus.  We can only do that by taking each day and spending time with Him and meditating on the power that can ONLY come through studying scriptures and hearing His voice.  Start each day before you check your phone and say, “Lord I am expecting big things today and I can handle whatever life brings me because I have strength for all things in you.”

Keep your mindsets pure and on track with God.

 part 4 having clean hands


ham and cheese sliders recipe


I decided to try out these ham and cheese sliders the other day and boy were they delicious!!!  I was looking to make a cost efficient sandwich dish, that wasn’t going to break the food budget.  I made a HUGE pan of them and they didn’t cost much to make.  I was very surprise at how much I had leftover.

I bought 4 packages of dinner rolls, 1 large package of family size ham slices, a package of swiss cheese and cut each piece into quarters.

I got the rolls for $1 each, the ham was about $4, and the cheese $3.  Not bad for 48 sandwiches that are fancy enough to serve for a dinner party.

I made the ham and cheese sandwiches.  I cut each roll in half, added one slice of ham, and one quarter of cheese.  I packed them full in my large roaster pan.

IMG_20150226_134724I then mixed up the following in a small saucepan:

  • 1 stick butter
  • 2 big squirts of mustard
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp poppy seeds

The poppy seeds are optional, personally this cost me $5 for a tiny container at Walmart.  If you have a bulk food store where you can get them inexpensively, then add them.  But for those that have to pay an arm and a leg for spices at your local grocery, skip this option.

After the sauce is melted and mixed, wipe it on top of the sandwiches.  I didn’t pour it, I used my pastry brush and lightly wiped all of the sauce on top.

Cover with foil and bake 350 for 20 minutes.  These are very yummy. Even good reheated the next day. Make some for a fancier way to present sandwiches or a great addition to salad for dinner.