Daily Archives: 09/19/2014

Where does your security lie?

Being a woman, wife, and mother, I like being “secured.”  I appreciate feeling sheltered, safe, and cared for.

Merriam Webster defines security as:

the state of being protected or safe from harm

things done to make people or places safe

freedom from fear or anxiety

Some of us have a strong sense of security when they think of their husband, family, friends, and sometimes church group.  Sometimes we take for granted too often the security that we can find in being part of an extended family and community.

Being fleshy human beings, what I myself really wish to define security in my life is a lack of want and worry.

Here is my list of securities:

  1. I want a full pantry stocked with all of the groceries that we would need for long term use.
  2. I want a freezer full of produce and meat that we have prepared and put up for the next year.  If I had a cellar, I would want it filled with canning jars full of fruits and vegetables that I worked hard at canning.  I would love to see baskets of fruit saved for the winter, and bins of potatoes that we would use throughout the coming winter months.
  3. I would love to see a huge pile of firewood, all stacked up nice and neat.  This would ensure that we would not go cold even for a second in the coming winter months.
  4. I would love to have my closets and drawers full of clothing and shoes to fill every child’s need.  Even if we had to throw a few away throughout the winter, I still would want to have enough outfits to make it through the coming year.
  5. I would love to have financial security, probably one of my greatest desires.  Money in the bank to adequately cover our living expenses.  Do I need to go to the store?  Not a problem.  Want to help a friend in need? Money can be freely given.  Unexpected medical bills?  Not a problem there is an ample cushion for whatever emergency needs arise.

Instead I am reminded that there is NO REAL SECURITY in today’s world.  The pantry can be full and well stocked one month, and then running low the next as we feed our growing children. Our wood supply is getting low and a storm is expected to hit in the next few days.  Clothes wear out and there isn’t the time or money to be able to go get replacement ones.

And these are just the petty cares in my world.

In other areas, floods, wars, hurricanes, and tornadoes, storms, and earthquakes rage all around us.  We never know when the next disaster will strike.  If we solely focus on the upheaval in nations around us it can fill us with dread.  I know it is not good to focus on the turmoil out in the world.

As for financial security, that is hard to capture as well.  Bills can accumulate as fast as we can pay them.  Prices rise up on groceries, gas, and taxes.  Sometimes it can almost seem impossible to make ends meet.  But guess what? We do.  We always manage somehow.  Yet it sometimes causes me worry and fret.

Since I can find no REAL security in the world, I turn to the ONLY one who can provide that for me.  In God’s word,  He promises in Proverbs 3:5,6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

God’s word can be a comfort in times of need and stress.  His word is full of promise and comfort.  We can  ALWAYS look to God for comfort, peace, safety, and shelter when the cares, responsibilities, and trials of this world appear.

If you want a more in depth study of what true security means through faith alone I encourage you to read Habakkuk 2:2-11.

God tells Habakkuk in these verses that He is in control.   His revelation is certain to occur at exactly the right time, even if it seems to  be delayed. Habakkuk is to live by faith, believing that God will fulfill His plans exactly at the right moment, and trusting in God’s good character. He is supposed to believe and trust even when circumstances seem to indicate that God is not good, or not in control.

So where is your security? What do you trust?

  • Your financial assets?
  •  Your husband? Your parents? Your friends?
  • Your strength? Your abilities? Your self-assurance?

All of these things can and will fail.  You can lose your financial investment overnight.  Just as the thousands of Americans who lost it all back a few years ago.  People will one day let you down, because we are human fleshy beings.  All of your strengths and abilities can crumble in one full swoop when trials arise.  We should never put our security in these things.

The only true security you will find in this world is in God alone.

  • He alone is our rock and our salvation.
  • He alone will never leave you nor forsake you.
  • He alone frees you from the need to watch out for yourself, to harm others to protect yourself
  • In Him alone will you find the life that is filled with a joy and peace that no one can understand.

As a Mother, wife, woman, and child of God, I put my life and security in the ONLY one that I know will keep me protected and safe.

God gives me the ability and power to provide as best I can here on earth for my family. He gives me the knowledge to plan and prepare and stock my pantry as best I can.  He provides the resources to prepare financially for our future.  When the outlook looks bleak at times, I continue to put my faith in Him and He ALWAYS works things out.  No need to waste time worrying, He has it ALL figured out.